Chapter 16. Oh look Ive been impaled!

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"Thanks. So what do you want to know?" Rachel said, going and sitting on a simple solid wood chair draped in green cloth. Green smoke began to billow from Rachel's mouth as her head slumped and her eyes glowed green. When she spoke it was like there were three of her, all speaking in a simultaneous raspy voice. "I am the Oracle of Phobeus Apollo, Slayer of the Mighty Python. Approach Seeker and ask."

Natasha was suddenly in front of the Oracle, Percy gesturing for her to proceed.

"Will Asgard bring war to Earth?"

The Oracle opened her mouth to speak.

Fire from shores in the sky
He who loves shall say goodbye
The spy and witch shall break the bonds
That false gods keep putting on
The New God, guards and hunters three,
Shall met with this enemy
When the field of stars opens its gates, 
The serpents rage shall negate

Rachel took a shuddering breath, her eyes back to normal. "What I say?"

Percy handed her a piece of parchment and she read it. "Well have fun. Now shoo. I have masterpieces to create."

"Can I make one?"

"I'm out of water colors."

She snapped her fingers and Natasha and Percy were outside the cave, listening to loud music that shook the ground.

"What just happened?"

"She gave a prophecy. Most makes sense but Athena will need to glance at it. Basically a war is coming but we shouldn't freak out until the sky light on fire. Wheater that be. Meteor shower or the northern lights or literally lighting the sky on fire or something."

"What about Shield? They won't stand back. You have the Mist to stay hidden. The Asgardians most assuredly don't. And who will be fighting? The gods or demigods or guardians?"

"We have the Mist to stay hidden. As for the Asgardians. Well, Hecate will probably make us look like more Asgardians. As for who is fighting, they threaten demigods so the guardians will fight. Ares will want in and Zeus is...displeased with Asgard and the hunters will want in because they attacked Thalia.  I'm not completely sure on the rest but I'm trying to keep demigods out of it for once."

He suddenly looked up, something caught in his gaze that made his eyes narrow.

"Whats wrong?"


A conch horn appeared in his hands and he raised the alarm.

Just as fireworks lit up the sky.

He took off running, Natasha struggling to keep up. The dryad who had taught her to run like a guardian had been pleased so she was able to keep just few feet behind the young god.

They emerged out of the woods on the hillside where an army of campers, Legionnaires, Guardians and hunters, a sea of orange, purple, silver and green.

"TO BATTLE!"  Chiron thundered, aiming his bow.

"FOR THE GUARDIANS!" Clarrisse yelled.

"FOR THE HUNT!" Thalia cried.

"FOR OLYMPUS!" Someone yelled.

"FOR LORD PERSEUS!" Travis bellowed.

"FOR LADY ARTEMIS!" Phoebe yelled.

"ARCHERS!" A young girl in silver said, her auburn hair standing out like a beacon.

Natasha joined the Guardians, knives drawn.

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