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Patrick pushes the door open, leading Nia into his home again. He watches her trudge inside, her footsteps heavy and her eyes darkening. He frowns at the sight and closes the door behind them. Nia makes her slow beeline towards the couch, but Patrick rushes to her before she can claim it.

"Hey," he calls out gently. He grabs her arm, stopping her. Nia slowly looks up at the man, her violet eyes on a canvas of irritated red. Patrick's heart cracks at the sight, much like it always did many years ago.

"How about you take my bed again?" the blonde suggests. "I don't mind it."
"Buster, I'm just gonna rest my eyes," Nia mumbles sleepily. "It won't be long, I'll be fine."
"You need more rest than that, Nia," he states. Concern coats his words as he studies the struggling woman. "I know you. You probably didn't sleep well last night."
"What about Stello?" Nia asks. "I gotta pick him up from school—"
"I'll pick him up—"
"No, you don't have to," she groans. "Just give me thirty minutes and I'll be okay."

Despite her protests, Patrick leads her to his bedroom. He sits her down on the bed, allowing her to get comfortable. Instantly, Nia lies down and rests her head on a nearby pillow.

"You had a really long, bad day," Patrick points out. He claims a seat next to Nia and runs his hand through her hair. The wavy strands still feel as soft as he remembers. Patrick fights the urge to smile at the sensation against his fingertips. "I just need you to rest, alright? I'll take care of Costello and get him home safe. I just need you to write the address down and rest."

Nia is silent for a moment, then she lets out a slightly annoyed huff as she reaches for the nearby pen and notebook on Patrick's nightstand. Normally, Patrick would tense at the action. But it was Nia, the girl who knew him inside and out despite the missing eight years. The violet-eyed girl flips to an empty page and scrawls the school address and what time it is let out on the paper.

"If anything happens—" she says as she finishes the last of the information, "— and I mean anything... call me. Immediately."
"I will, don't worry," Patrick reassures. "Go to sleep. I've got it from here."

* * *

Patrick had the rest of the day to himself. With all the events that had occurred earlier, he would have often found himself mulling over every detail in his head until he could feel himself wanting to explode. Not this time. Instead, Patrick kept himself busy as everything ran through his head again all while Nia slept peacefully in his room.

He cleaned the dirty dishes in the kitchen, putting them away as he tried to forget the pain in Ricky's eyes. He wiped down counters and put away items that were misplaced, trying to repress the burning questions and unanswered theories. He gathered his keys, trying to go over mental lists of things he needs to do before picking up Costello.

I think I've passed by the school before. Do I need to pick up more groceries before then or after?

Patrick glances towards the direction of his room. His racing head falls silent and still for a moment. His feet immediately guide him towards the room, but he doesn't fight against it. He quietly peeks around the door frame, spotting Nia deep in her slumber. The dark circles that consumed her once lively eyes are slowly fading.

A smile twitches at Patrick's lips, his chest stirring at the rare sight. He hesitates, then makes his way out the house. Patrick knew Nia would be asleep for a while. She could use as much as she can to break the information to her son.

Patrick drives around the town that is a safe distance between his home and Costello's school. Every now and again, he glances at Nia's rushed penmanship to remind himself that he needs to be at the school by 2:15. His eyes trace the careless lines, a chuckle forming in his chest. Her penmanship hasn't changed since junior year of high school.

Switchblades and Infidelity [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang