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Patrick hated that Pushing Daisies had to postpone their release party just for him. The young musicians insisted on it, Daisy reassuring that it was more than okay. Despite it all, there was pizza and sodas as their hard work played on the speakers of the compact studio.

Patrick looks up from his schedule book, witnessing Daisy and her band mates laughing as they celebrate their achievement with their family. He smiles at the image, then goes back to his notes. After Nia's events had occurred in his life, Patrick had to postpone many things in order to assure she and Costello were recovered, and so was he. The change took a toll on him just as much them, if not more.

There was more to it than Nia leaving a man she had dedicated her life to for eight years. There was the hidden layers of Costello's real father. There was the uncertainty of where Nia stood with Patrick. Were they friends? More than that? Perhaps less?

Patrick blows a sigh and closes his book just as Daisy approaches him. She carries Costello on her back, a bright smile on her face.

"Do you ever stop working, Mr. Stump?" she asks with a giggle. Patrick only returns a weak smile and takes Costello from her, the bit of anxiety in him dwindling down as he carries the boy himself.

"Can't stop," he halfheartedly jokes. The guitarist of the band notes the conversation and salutes Patrick.

"Always on the grind. I respect that, Mr. S," the teenage boy says with a smirk. Patrick nods, not quite understanding what the kid means. He doesn't bother to think of it any further. Instead, he places Costello down and holds his hand as he leads him to the table that has boxes of pizza.

Patrick had remembered from his last plate that Costello likes cheese pizza. He gets a slice and places is it on a plate before getting another Solo cup.

"What drink do you want, buddy?" Patrick asks the younger boy. He notices that something is off as the child hesitates. Costello points at the green bottle.

"7-Up," he mumbles. Patrick pours the soda in the cup and hands it to Costello with caution.

"You think you can handle it?" the blonde man asks. Costello nods, increasing Patrick's concern. He trusts him with the soda, he know that Costello won't spill it on anything. It's something else.

Patrick lets Costello take his seat, placing his food on a nearby counter. He runs a hand through his tangling hair. It only reminds him of his mother.

"What's wrong, Stello?" Patrick asks. Costello studies his pizza slice that rests on his paper plate.

"When can we go home?" he asks. He looks up at Patrick, his blue eyes full of a familiar emotion, but it can't be pinpointed by Patrick. The man swallows the lump that forms in his throat.

"Are you feeling okay, kiddo?" Patrick asks. He gently presses the back of his hand against Costello's face, checking for a temperature. His mind already starts to race with various reactions it would earn from Nia.

"Yeah," Costello answers. "Why can't we go home, Patrick?"
"The party's not over, silly," he says, forcing a smile for the boy. It doesn't transfer. Instead, Costello pokes at his pizza slice that has grown cold.

Patrick takes the food and drink from Costello and places the duo on a clear surface before leading the boy out of the studio and into the hallway.

"What's wrong, Stello?" Patrick asks again. Costello doesn't make eye contact this time. He keeps his gaze on his red Converse.

"How come Mommy and I can't go home?" Costello asks. Patrick's chest clenches at the question. He furrows his brow a little as he buries his hands in his pockets, mustering up the strength to tell the wholehearted truth or make another lie.

Switchblades and Infidelity [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon