eight- battle agaisnt the privaron

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Author’s notes:  sorry that it took me a while to complete this scene as fight scenes aren’t my strongest as I tried really hard to make this as believable as the series but keep it original since I added in Naruto characters into the fray.  I would like for my readers to help me come up with a name for Sasuke’s inner demon.  So please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think and what you believe Sasuke’s inner demon form should look like and what its name shall be.  I will give the most creative person props for coming up with the idea.  Thanks once again for bearing with me as I will try to hopefully have the next fight just as entertaining as this one.  So please give me a while for me to have the next chapter up as quickly as possible.  Thanks!

Eight- battle against the privaron

Sanji reached for his zanpakuto as Arrancar number 107 Gantenbainne Mosqueda charged at the group.  Sasuke activated his Sharingan to carefully analize Gantenbainne’s abilities.  Naruto also pulled out his zanpakuto.  Gantenbainne moved in close to the group firing off a cero.  Naruto cursed to himself softly as he could feel Kyuubi merge his presence with his host.  Naruto moved quickly as both he and Kyuubi gathered their energy.

“Tailed Beast: Biju Bomb!” Naruto and Kyuubi cried out in unison.  The Biju Bomb was very similar to a hollow’s cero as it was the perfect counter.  The two attacks hit almost simulaniously causing everyone to be thrown back.  This caused Gantenbainne to laugh.

“To think that one of you have an attack similar to our cero.  But let’s see how you you react to this.” stated Gantenbainne.  It looked like his hands were glowing.  “Uno Dos Cientos [one two hundreds]!” Gantenbainne snapped as he charged to do one on one battle with Naruto.  Naruto meet him head on using taijutsu moves to counter Gantenbainne’s punches.  Sasuke could feel his curse mark burning against his neck as he watched Naruto and Gantenbainne go at it.  The two of them seemed evenly matched.  The two leapt back away from each other as they panted.  A wide smirk crossed Gantenbainne’s face.  “Well played my friend.  But what if I do this?” Gantenbainne asked as he released his zanpakuto.  “This is my release of my zanpakuto, Dragra [dragon fist]!”

“Naruto get out of there!” Sasuke shouted.

“Too late.  Rugir Del Dragon [roar of the dragon]!” snapped Gantenbainne as his fists collided with Naruto causing the teen to cough up blood as Sanji growled sharply.

“Bankai!” Sanji snarled as his sword transformed into a giant armored warrior.  “Kokujo Tengen Myoo [Divine Retribution]!” growled Sanji as he directed his zanpakuto to attack the Arrancar.  In one fluid movement Sanji attacked the Arrancar and retrieved Naruto.  Gantenbainne laughed as he used his Rugir Del Dragon [roar of the dragon] to destroy Sanji’s bankai.

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