ten- Sasuke's inner demon

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story! Special thanks to Champion Alex and ultima-owner (from fanfiction.net) for helping me come up with the name and information about Sasuke's inner demon. You guys are the best.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold -demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

ten- Sasuke's inner demon

After the battle with Grimmjow was over with, Ichigo just stared at the sixth Espada's body as it laid unmoving.

*Now stay down..... You have been a very bad kitty!* Shiro yelled mentally forcing Ichigo to shake his head.

*What is this about a bad cat?* questioned Kyuubi mentally.

*Don't get me started.* replied Ichigo.

*Cats are terrible creatures as they hate me to death. I hate cats!* growled Naruto.

*Then it is a good thing that you didn't fight this one. He was a pain in the ass to defeat.

By the way where are you guys?* Shiro asked mentally.

*Still within Los Noches. It seems that Sasuke is a bit like us as he has an inner demon. I think that we should go and introduce ourselves.* replied Kyuubi.

*Let's wait a bit for Sasuke to meet his other half. Remember things such as this are brand new to him. We will journey to his inner world once the connection is set.* Ichigo stated. No one argued with the older teen as they knew that he had a point.

Meanwhile within Sasuke's mindscape which happened to look like one of the temples that was on the Uchiha property, Sasuke could hear a deep low rumbling roar coming from inside.

"I have been waiting for you Sasuke Uchiha. Please come here as I mean you no harm." rumbled the voice.

"You're the voice that I had heard in the back of my mind during that fight with that Arrancar. Just who in the world are you?" Sasuke asked.

"Come closer and you will see for yourself." answered the voice. Sasuke opened the temple doors finding himself within a large room with three other doors. One was a dark red door with an orange fox head symbol on it. The second was a black door with a white skull head symbol on it. Finally the third door was a dark brown door with a tan raccoon head symbol on it. Laying in the center of the room was a very large serpent dragon. Its maroon scales shined brilliantly in the light as its large feathered wings rested against its body. It had two more set of wings both in medium size and a smaller set of wings on its body. The medium set sat on the middle of its body while the smaller set sat a couple of yards above its long feathery plume of a tail. All of the feathers were three different shades of red that matched well together. Tan horns came out of its head as it had a thick spiky mane of hair that matched Sasuke's own when he was in his demon form. It even had Sasuke's version of his demonic Sharningan eyes along with a large black diamond across its muzzle. "Welcome to your inner mindscape Sasuke Uchiha. I am your inner demon, a Quetzalcoatl dragon named Hakai no Hono [flame of destruction]. But you may just call me Hakai for short." hissed the dragon.

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