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Adeline Fox^^^

If there was a perfect scenario to describe the word awkward. This would be it. Theo was standing by the door. Completely shocked at who he was looking at. Adeline was radiant. Her black silky hair was tied back into a dutch braid, her skin was glowing, and you could sense the confidence and power she had just by merely looking at her.

"Adeline..." Theo whispered.

He was about to say something else, but the 2nd doctor who was with them spoke up first.

"I see you know Dr.Fox. But we haven't met yet. My names is Dr. Knight. I'm a neurosurgeon and will be helping Dr.Fox on this case." He announced, sticking his hand out for a shake.

Theo shook his hand, and was still in a state of shock. While he was too busy staring at his ex-wife, everyone else had their attention back to the doctors.

"So. As we were saying. The reason for Katerina's fainting is due to a teratoma."

"A teratoma?" Kat asked, confused as she rubbed her 5 month belly.

"It's a tumor." Dr.Knight described.

"A tumor within your babys' head."

"Oh god..And she needs surgery. Doesn't she?" Theo's mom, Lily, asked, as she gripped onto her daughter's hand.

"Unfortunately yes." Adeline answered.

She saw how the family tensed, but that didn't faze her.

"Without a doubt there will be a surgery. But we need to do some scans first to show where the tumor is, how big it is, where is the baby facing. We figure out a game plan of extraction, and once we are set on our plan we will have the surgery."

"How long do we have to wait?" Sean asked.

"No more than 5 days. My team and I will be working non-stop to find the perfect solution to helping Kat and her baby."

Before anyone else could ask any more questions a shrill voice was spoken.

"5 days? What are you trying to do? Kill the baby?"

Everyone turned in annoyance to see Serena with her hands on her hips, while obnoxiously chewing her gum aloud.

"Excuse me?" Dr.Knight asked.

"Why wait 5 days? Do the surgery now! She deserves the best service, does she not?" Serena asked, her eyes set on only Adeline.

Everyone was quiet. Not knowing what to say.Adeline then cleared her throat.

"Would you have me perform the surgery with a blind eye? Not knowing where to go? Not knowing where in the brain is the tumor? Would you rather me just go in just hoping I know where the tumor is?"

"Um.. You're the doctor. You should know how to do stuff like this." Serena replied arrogantly.

"You're right. We are doctors. And good ones. We do know how to do stuff like this. But why go in and take the risk, when we know Kat can wait at least 5 days. So during those 5 days she prepares herself physically and mentally for the surgery, and we prepare a plan for her surgery."

Serena laughed aloud, it was a laugh that made everyone roll their eyes in annoyance and shutter in disgust.

"Theo was right. You really are pathetic."

Theo turned to Serena in shock, not expecting that to come out of her mouth. Before he could even tell her to shut up Adeline slammed her clipboard shut. All eyes went to her, as she held this face of annoyance. She then stepped towards Serena, to the point where they were only inches apart.

"I suggest you listen to this because I am only going to say this once." Adeline hissed.

" How dare you have the audacity to talk to us like that. We work day and night to save great people like Kat, and then there are people like you who try to see the negativity within anything. You're a cynical person. Always have always will be. And remember this. You're in my territory. My hospital. My workplace. If you dare talk to me or my co workers like this every again. I swear to you, you will never step foot back into this hospital."

Serena was shocked at this new found confidence that Adeline had. She then slammed her fist onto a nightstand,

"I demand a new doctor! We will not work with such a rude one!" She screeched.

"That isn't your call!" Kat argued.

"Go! Get out! Get me the chief of pediatric surgery! Someone who I know is better than you!" Serena ordered.

Dr.Knight stood there in shock, appalled at the attitude. He was ready to snap back, but Adeline stopped him.

"Of course. If you want the best and only the best. Then it is the best you shall have. Allow me to get the chief of pediatrics for you." Adeline said with a calm, gentle tone.

Both the doctors left the room, and everyone turned their heads to Serena. Every single person had fury in their eyes.

"Are you crazy?" Max, Kat's husband, asked.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked, oblivious to everyone's feeling.

"Why would you request a new doctor? That isn't your place!" Lilly yelled.

"She's just jealous. Who knows what she'll do Kat."

"She would never hurt me!" Kat yelled at Serena.

"Theo! Tell them I'm right! I made the right decision!" Serena said, turning to her boyfriend.

Now all eyes were on Theo. He had no idea what to say. He wanted to say something that didn't offend his family but also did not offend Serena. He opened his mouth, ready to say something but the door to their room opened.

Everyone saw the chief walk in and the doctor had a smirk on their face.

"Hello, my name is Adeline Fox. I am the Chief of Pediatric Surgery. How may I help you?"

A/N : hello! So i hope you're enjoying the book so far! Updates for this story will be slow, cuz i got school. I probably will update every weekend. Hehe thanks!

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