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"I'm Done."

Those were the last words she heard from her husband as he left her for another. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, sobbing. She was alone. He left her, even after she told him she was pregnant. It was as if he didn't care about them at all.

Maybe he didn't care. Maybe he never loved her. Maybe it was just lust. That's why he married her. He never loved her. He never cared. And then it was as if something snapped inside her.

She stood up and rushed upstairs. She grabbed her suitcase and started to pack all her clothes. She was zipping up one of her bags, when her eyes landed on the photo frame on their night stand. Their wedding photo. She looked at it in disgust.

Her smile was genuine. She was so happy. And then she looked over to Theo. He was smiling too. But it was probably fake. Acting his way through the wedding. Acting as if he was happy with his married life with her. Maybe even laughing at her in his head, because she was a fool to believe his lies. She gripped the frame, and ended up throwing it across the room.

Adeline stormed out of the room and into the living room. Adeline had decorated it to where they had a wall of photos. Full of "happy" memories the 2 shared with each other and their friends/family. She looked at each photo and couldn't help but feel her heart breaking piece by piece. She walked up to the wall and started taking off each photo from their frame. She piled them on the couch, and when she was done she headed outside.

In their backyard was a huge fire pit. She tossed all the photos into the pit and walked back inside to get some matches. Without hesitation she struck the match and dropped the fire into the mountain of pictures. Destroying years worth of memories.But to her, now they were years worth of lies.  

She starred at the photos as they burned, and then eventually went inside. She grabbed her suitcases and was ready to leave. Only to freeze at the sight of something white. She walked over to her side of the closet and pulled out her pearl white wedding dress. It was a beautiful dress. Tears started to form in her eyes once again.

She really thought he was the one. She really thought Theo was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. But she was wrong. Fate had broken her once again. First her parents, then her best friend, and now Theo. Every single person who had a special place in her heart left her. Now they are the ones for her broken heart. A heart broken beyond repair.

Adeline mustered up the courage and dragged the dress, with her luggage, down the stairs and to the backyard. She was hesitant at first, but when her eyes spotted the manila folder still lying on the table she made her decision.

She tossed the dress into the fire, and threw her wedding ring in as well.

Adeline walked back inside, grabbed a pen, and signed the divorce papers. She grabbed her suitcase, and left the house. Not bothering to look back. Not bothering to look back at the house that homed nothing but lies and deception.

She got into her car and sighed. This was it. She was leaving. And never coming back. She then placed her hand on her stomach and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"It's you and me against the world, little buddy."
Theo looked over at Adeline as she played with her fingers. She always did that when she was nervous.

"What happened?" Theo asked.

Adeline was staring at the ground, and cleared her throat.

"Aftet you left.. I.. I went to live with a classmate. And for a while everything got better. Then, I um.. I got news about being able to shadow a well-known peds surgeon for 3 months. And without a doubt I took it. So I traveled to Seattle. I was 4 months in, and I was finishing up my shadowing. I was coming home from an appointment. It was raining.. and.." she then couldn't talk.

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