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Adeline's eyes shot open. Shock was running through her body as she just laid on the ground. She started to breathe faster in fear as she felt something wet on her white coat and pain on her left hip. She drew her hand up to her face only to reveal it coated in blood.

Her eyes widened, and she immediately started to pat herself down. Trying to find the source of the bleeding she ran her hands over her body but couldn't find the bleeder. She was starting to worry. The amount of blood she was covered in was alarming, and clearly showing that maybe a major artery was hit. But still no bleeder. Adeline slowly pushed herself up so that she was sitting up and examined her bottom half and no bleeder.

She was completely fine. She wasn't hit. Her head still buzzing, she wondered who else. Then, everything hit her. Serena. The Gun. And Theo.

Still in fear of Serena, she looked back and saw that a handful of people have tackled her to the ground and restrained her. The gun was emptied and kicked to the side by someone.

Adeline looked around and gasped when she saw Theo on the ground coughing up blood. She quickly got to Theo, examined his body and was quick to unbutton his shirt. Revealing 2 holes in his body. One right at his heart, the other on his right Lung. Adeline quickly applied pressure to his wounds but the blood just kept pouring out.

"Adeline." Theo called out, coughing up more blood.

"I'm right here. Okay? I got you. Stay with me Theo, I'm going to fix this." Adeline said, as she quickly took off her white coat and pushed it onto the gunshot wounds.

"I...I'm dying." Theo whispered.

"What? Don't be ridiculous." Adeline started, but Theo looked at her with so much doubt.

"No, no you're not dying! Okay? I'm going to get you to an OR and fix you."

Theo shook his head, closing his eyes. He took a shaky breath and opened his eyes. Looking right up to her.

"We both know I'm not gonna make it."

Adeline shook her head. Tears started to flow down her cheeks. Theo gave a weak smile, and gripped one of her hands.

"It's okay." Theo whispered, he then took a deep breath and looked up.

"Asher is waiting for me."

Adeline then gripped onto Theo's hand, by the looks of it. He was right. There was no way he was gonna make it. The amount of blood he lost, the location of the bullets, and just by looking at him. He wasn't going to make it. Suddenly Adeline felt scared. Theo was dying right in front of her. She felt like there are so many things needed to be said. She was racking her brain on what to do. Then, the sound of Theo violently coughing and drawing weak and shaky breath snapped her out of her fear.

With her free hand, she wiped the blood from his mouth and then cupped his face. She looked right into his eyes and said the one thing that Theo always wanted to hear. The thing that Theo has earned from her.

"I forgive you." She whispered to him.

His eyes widened, realizing what she said. She gave him a warm smiling, reassuring his that it was the truth. His grip on her hand tightened and Theo smiled of pure happiness.

Then, his grip loosened. And the light in his eyes dimmed. His body and went, and his body completely stilled.

Realizing that, Adeline started to panic.

"Theo?" She called out to him.

"Theo!" She yelled, shaking him, hoping that maybe he'll wake up.

Accepting reality, she placed her hand over his eyes and closed them. Then she bent her body over his and started to cry. Her sobs echoing throughout the hospital.

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