Chapter 1

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Ross:(asleep in bed)

Laura:(walks in his room) Ross wake up!


Laura: Ross!!

Ross:(groans louder) Shut up!

Laura:(jumps on his bed) Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Ross:(grabs her down) I'm awake! Geez

Laura:(giggles) Come on, I made breakfast

Ross:(nods) Okay just let me change

Laura: Okay (kisses his cheek walking out)

Ross:(changes into boxers and jeans walking out to the kitchen)

Laura:(looks at him) Why don't you have a shirt on?

Ross: Bc all my shirts dirty

Laura:(sighs) This is why you need to learn how to do your own laundry

Ross: But there's so many buttons and you do it for me anyways

Laura:(Rolls her eyes) Well trust me not for long


Laura: Just go sit and eat

Ross:(nods sitting down)

Laura:(feeds him)

Ross: I still don't understand why I have ti be fed

Laura: Bc of what happened 3 months ago

Ross: Okay okay but they should really get a bigger space

Laura:(rolls her eyes) What about the broken table?

Ross: Now they were just being cheap

Laura:(laughs) Come here so I can feed you

Ross:(moves in closer to her)

Laura:(feeds him)


Laura: What are you smiling about?

Ross: Remember last time we ate in public and then someone said we are a cute couple

Laura:(laughs) Yeah, that was funny

Ross:(fake laughs) Yeah... funny

Laura:(continues to feed him)

Ross:(just stares at her)

Ross's POV/

Hey guys. I'm Ross Lynch and I live with my best friend Laura's apartment. I've been living here with Laura for about a couple years now. Her and I have been best friends since birth... well actually best friends since middle school but it feels like her and I have known eachother longer then that. She's my best friend and dare I say the love of my life :) When I first laid my eyes on her I knew it was love at first sight.. well for me mostly. Laura just finds me as her BF. BF meaning best friend not boyfriend but I'll change that.. or not. She already has a boyfriend. His names Parker. Ugh, I hate that guy! He's been trying to get me out of the picture. I can see it but Laura can't. She's just blinded by his charm which I have no idea how she is bc he has no charm what so ever. You wanna know why I hate Parker? Well it started on Laura and I's 5th anniversary...


Ross:(just sitting on the couch with junk food and stacks of movies on the floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets)

Riker: Where's Laura?

Ross:(shrugs) I have no idea. I thought she'd be here by now

Riker: She'll be here soon (goes upstairs)

Ross:(waits and waits)

The Next Day

Ross:(wakes up and sees no Laura) (sighs) She forgot about our anniversary (sad and goes upstairs to get changed for school) (walks back down)

Stormie: She never came?

Ross:(shakes his head slowly)

Stormie: I'm sorry sweetie, she probably had something to do

Ross: What could be more important then her and I's 5th anniversary?

Stormie: I don't know sweetie but come sit and eat breakfast

Ross: I'll pass mom, I should really get to school

Stormie: Okay bye sweetie (kisses his cheek)

Ross: Bye mom (drives to school)

At school

Ross:(walks to his locker)

Laura:(runs up to him so happy) Ross! Ross! Ross! Guess what?

Ross:(sad) What?

Laura: What's wrong?

Ross: Nothing, what's up?

Laura: Parker and I are dating!

Ross: What!? When!?

Laura: Last night, it was the best night ever!

Ross:(fake smiles) I'm so happy for you

Laura: Thanks (hugs him)

Ross:(hugs back with a frown on his face)

~~End of flashback~~

Continuing on Ross's POV/

And that is why I hate Parker. He ruined our 5th anniversary and has been trying to get rid of me since then. I just want the way it use to be. When it was just me and Laura not me and Laura and Parker. Nothing's the same since then.

Note: Okay that was the first chapter of my story. Sorry if it isn't good as you were thinking but I'll try to make it better each chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

Living with my BF Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora