Chapter 13

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A few hours later

Ross:(just staring at Laura hoping for her to wake up)

Mark:(walks back in the room) Ryland's not coming here any time soon

Riker: Good. After what he said he doesn't deserve to see Laura

Stormie:(sighs) Riker, he's still you're little brother

Riker: I got 2 more

Stormie: Your youngest little brother

Riker: Well Ryland was being rude and you don't be rude to family

Mark: We know Riker, we know

Ross:(sighs) It's all my fault

Rydel: Stop saying that Ross, it's not

Ross: Look at her! She's a wreck bc of me! It's all my fault...

Rocky: No it's not bro. I bet Laura doesn't think that

Ross: Of course she wouldn't

Rocky:(smiles) See

Ross: She wouldn't think of me at all for what I did to her

Rocky:(frowns) Ross

Ross: Let's just leave it that it's my fault, no more

Rydel: But it's not

Ross: To me, Ryland and Laura it is

Riker: Laura doesn't think that and Ryland was being stupid, don't let him get in your head

Ross: To late for that

doctor:(walks in) Hello everyone

Stormie: Is there something wrong doctor?

doctor: Yes actually. We'll have to do surgery on Laura bc she has a couple broken bones and do some stitching then get all the broken glass out of her and she might not wake up for a while

Ross: How long is a while?

doctor: Days, weeks months--

Ross: If you say years I will snap your neck

Stormie: Ross!

Mark: We're sorry doctor. He just really cares for Laura

doctor:(nods) It's quite alright. This isn't the first time someone told me that they were gonna snap my neck

everyone:(looks at him weirdly)

doctor: Anyways... we will be starting the surgery quite soon

Ross: Will she be okay after it?

doctor: Yes she will


doctor: I'll see you all l8r (walks out)

Ross: I hope she's gonna be okay

Mark: We all do Ross

Riker: She wouldn't want you to blame yourself

Ross:(sighs) But it's--

Rocky: Okay Ross, let's get this straight. It's not your fault, don't think what Ryland said bc it's not true. Laura wouldn't want you to be so hard on yourself, we all don't want you too... well maybe Ryland but he's just being a douche right now. You're an awesome guy and we know you care for Laura but blaming yourself for this isn't gonna help any of us

Ross:(sighs) I'm sorry but it just feels like it is

Stormie: Well it isn't sweetie, it's never was to begin with (hugs him)

Ross:(hugs back tearing up) I just want her to get better

Rydel: She will soon Ross, we know it

Ross:(slowly nods crying into Stormie's shoulder)

A little while later

Ross::(holding Laura's hand just staring at her again) I'm so sorry Laura, I really am (kisses her hand)

doctor & nurses:(walks in the room)

doctor: It's time for the surgery

Ross:(sighs and kisses Laura's forehead lingering his lips on her skin and slowly pulled away) (looks up at the doctor) Please be careful

doctor:(nods) She's in safe hands

nurses:(takes Laura's hospital bed away)

doctor: We will be also needing some blood for Laura. She lost a couple pints of blood and we need a donation or else she probably won't live on this surgery

everyone:(eyes widen)

Stormie: What's her blood type?

doctor: AB+

everyone:(looks at eachother)

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