Chapter 27

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Rydel: Ross, we're sorry

Ross: I... I can't believe she said no

Riker: You okay buddy?

Ross:(runs upstairs to his room slamming it shut)


Rocky: This isn't good

Ratliff: Yeah

With Laura

Laura:(running to the apartment crying)

Laura's POV/

I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the apartment. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I just couldn't accept him. I just couldn't. I do love him more then a friend but I couldn't risk our friendship. What if we break up? What's gonna happen to our friendship? What will him and I do? I know that this situation is already breaking Ross and I's friendship but it needed to be done then in the future. You probably think I'm the biggest jerk in the world but you would've done the same. I reached the apartment finally and slammed the door shut. I ran into my room and slid down the wall crying. I cried and cried and cried till I thought I was dried up from crying so much. It hurts, it hurts knowing that I hurt my best friend really bad. It also hurt me too. I knew that was my last chance to be with him and I blew it but I know it was the right choice.

End of POV/
Few hours later *night*

Laura:(cried herself till she fell asleep)

The Next Day
At the Lynch's house

Ross:(wakes up and remembers everything from yesterday) (cries again)

Stormie:(walks in) Hey baby (sits on his bed)

Ross:(wipes his tears)

Stormie: It's gonna be okay Ross

Ross: S-She said n-no

Stormie: I know but I think she had a reason

Ross: What reason?

Stormie: Maybe she didn't want to ruin your friendship

Ross: But mom, I know she likes me. I know it

Stormie: Well if you do then I don't know sweetie, that's all I have to say

Ross:(Sighs) Thanks though mom

Stormie: No problem, now come down for breakfast


Stormie & Ross:(Walk down to the kitchen)

Mark: How you feeling son?

Ross: Bad

Rydel: We're sorry Ross

Ross:(nods) It's okay I guess. It's not your fault

everyone:(Eats breakfast)

With Laura

Laura:(wakes up and remembers everything from yesterday)

Laura's POV/

I should've said yes instead of no. I'm so stupid! I have to fix this between Ross and I. I quickly got dressed and took a taxi to Ross's house. It's pretty long walk there anyways and I have to do this fast. We finally get to Ross's house. I thanked the guy and paid him. I walk up to the Lynch's front door and knocked. I hope they aren't mad at me, especially Ross. The door then opens and I see Rydel. I sure hope she's not mad at me.

End of POV/

Laura: Rydel! I got to talk to Ross

Rydel: He doesn't need you to hurt him again, you already did enough damage (harsh tone)

Laura: Rydel I'm sorry but please let me in

Rydel: Nope (slams the door in Laura's face)

Laura:(Sighs and knocks on the door rapidly) Rydel open up! Please! I have to talk to Ross! Please let me in!

In the house

Laura: Rydel! Open up please!

Rydel:(rolls her eyes)

the guys:(walks down)

Riker: Who's at the door?

Rydel: The girl that broke our little brother's heart

Ross: Laura's here? Why aren't you letting her in?

Rydel: I don't need her to hurt our brother, she's done enough

Rocky: Maybe she had a reason to say no Rydel

Rydel: Whatever

Ross:(rolls his eyes and opens the door)

Laura:(hugs Ross) Ross I'm so sorry I said no, I was so stupid

Ross:(walks them outside and closes the door)

Laura:(pulls away) I'm sorry Ross, I really am

Ross: Why did you say no?

Laura: I didn't want to ruin our friendship

Ross: We'll still have that Laur

Laura: I know but I meant after we date. Like what if we break up? What's gonna happen to us then?

Ross: We'll still be friends no matter what, we'll never break up

Laura: But Ross, we've gotten into so many fights and we weren't even dating

Ross:(grabs her hands) I know and I'm really sorry about that though. I just want to date my dream girl

Laura:(smiles) I'm your dream girl?

Ross:(nods) I love you Laura, I love you in ways that you don't or anyone else know


Ross: The question is, do you love me back?


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