ch. 1

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I'd never have thought id be the type to just up root and move. My family, my work, my friends, my life; all back in america. If we are being honest here, I dont actually have much of anything I just recalled.

Sure I've got my mom and i had quit my job, not much in the friends department either. A change of scenery will be refreshing. I just need something new.

Ive never been fond of plane seats, I find them inconviently close to the human sitting next to you. An airplane is such a vulnerable setting.

Not being able to be alone for hours, but pretending you are, happy families coming back from their vacations, sad people departing from their families.

Then theres me somwhere on that spectrum of emotion and destination. Melancholy girl sets up home in brand new country she's never visited. Ive only heard stories and seen pictures of ireland, but I know it's where I want to be.

I looked around at the people surrounding me and thought about what they are doing on this plane. As we began to descend, the sun almost completely disappeared from the sky, replacing it with the dark blue hues of dusk.

I gathered my belongs around me and stood once we were instructed. I took a deep breath as I walked off the plane, into my new foreign home. I ordered an uber as I retrieved my suitcases.

I informed my uber driver of where my new home is, sending a message to my new roomate that im on my way. I'm anxious to meet her in person finally, however we have been texting and she seems very nice.

Looking out the window, I noticed all the greenery, the water, the dreary weather, and the quaint buildings. This is exactly what I needed. " american huh?" The driver asked me.
I struggle with conversation, I dreaded it.

" yes" I answered quickly, hoping the man would detect my reluctance to converse further. He must've caught on because all he did was nod in the rearview mirror.

I played with a string hanging off of my sweater as some pop tune played softly on the radio. I've neglected listening to the radio, it's become meaningless songs full of vague descriptions of girls and illegal doing to stir up emotion in pubescent teens and give them a false view on how to treat other beings.

Not that I ever really cared for it in the first place, I've always bought records ever since I got my victrola when I was 14. To think that was 9 years ago.

I remember that morning like it was yesterday. Christmas morning I didnt exactly expect to get anything, as I had decided to be rebellious at that time and my parents didnt much appreciate my angst.

I was moved to tears when I unwrapped the present because that was all I asked for. They had given me a couple records to go along with it. They were leadbelly, nina simone, led zeppelin and beethoven.

I know, a rather strange combination of genres and artists, but it's what I grew up on and enjoy. I looked up after I tore the string away and we pulled into a driveway surrounded by trees and shrubbery.

We finally approached the house as we drove up the lenghty driveway. It was dark wood on the outside and two stories high. I had grabbed my suitcases and bags out of the back with the help of the driver.

I suddely saw a flash of blonde hair running out the front door, letting the screen slam behind her." Eden you're finally here" my new roomate, laura  yelled excitedly with her thick accent, as she pulled me in for an embrace.

I laughed and hugged her back. She helped with my bags as I paid the driver and he wished me luck. I nodded at his kind words and struggled with mg bags." Ok I dont mean to be pushy, but I already have a job lined up for you where I work" she told me as we walked through our front door.

From Eden // andrew hozier-byrne Where stories live. Discover now