Chapter Five

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"Lord Southerby asked for my permission to court you." Nate informed her as casually as if they were discussing the weather,
at dinner that very night.

"What?" Cassandra interrogated, choking on her pea soup. She coughed heavily for at least thirty seconds.  Finally, once her coughs had subsided, she brought her napkin to her face to wipe at her mouth, tears leaking from her eyes.

"Yes," he continued calmly, entirely nonchalant, "I told him he could try over my dead body." With that declaration, he took another sip of his soup, before making a face as he'd never been a fan of the green, goopy substance.

Cassandra spluttered, trying to find the words to speak, but none came and her brother did not notice her predicament until a moment later. He stared at her, concerned, before asking, "Are you alright?"

"How could you not tell me this immediately after?" She demanded, her eyes widening in disbelief when he only shrugged.

"I didn't think it was that important." He said, "Besides, you were in too much of a tizzy after Lord Hawthorne had left to even speak. You couldn't hold a conversation longer than two minutes and, so, I deemed it unnecessary to tell you until later."

Cassandra shook her head to clear it. So that explained how angry Lord Southerby had been when he'd left, storming off to his carriage without even saying goodbye. Her mouth opened and closed a few times while she gathered her words. Finally, she spoke, "What on Earth possessed him to ask you that? Is he mad?"

"After I refused, I asked him why he thought that even considering asking me was a good idea." Nate added, not bothering to answer her questions. "He told me that you are pretty, rich and come from a child-bearing family. I told him to get out of my house or I'd pull out my rifle."

"How can you be so relaxed about this? Really!" Cassandra whispered the last of it to herself, exasperated. Her brother was truly one of a kind. Her head began swimming with thoughts. Had Lord Southerby thought her interested in him? Besides, she had done nothing to encourage Lord Southerby's affections. They'd shared a single dance. That did not imply she wanted to marry him. Also, what kind of man had the nerve to say such a thing about a woman he wished to marry, especially to the woman's brother? He truly needed to be checked into an insane asylum!

"Because I have the comfort of knowing my sister will never be near him. Why, did you want me to say yes?"

"Of course not!" She exclaimed, before seeing the twinkle in his eye and realizing he was only teasing. However, her curiosity only rose and she asked, "Why did you say no when he first asked, though?"

"Firstly, because I know you do not want to marry. I will only agree to a man if you come to me first and tell me you've changed your mind as it is not my place to take your right to choice away from you. Secondly, he's a rake who chases every mildly attarctive woman he sees. He would not be a faithful husband. He is nowhere near good enough for you."

Nate's explanation made her heart melt. She was truly lucky to have a brother like him. He was patient and treated her like an individual with opinions, not a mindless slave to society.

"Thank you." She said, meaning it fully. She had thought Lord Southerby handsome, but that was only because she was not blind. She'd known he was not the kind of man one should marry. She had no intention of marrying anyone in the first place, and she would not change her mind. She did not understand how Lord Southerby had the gall to assume such a thing.

"You're welcome." Nate said, smiling fondly at her, "Now, eat your dinner and go to bed. These have been a taxing two days for both of us and I wish to sleep soon. Chasing suitors away is more difficult than you'd believe."

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