Chapter 18

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William's POV:

"I need to talk to you. Right now."

"Um, sure." Olivia says and follows me out.

"So I know you want to know me and want to change me but guess what sweetheart I can see through your facade and I can tell you that's not going to happen. Let's just get this stupid project over with and never talk to each other again." I say in a single breath, not meaning any of it.

"You asshole! You don't know me so don't pretend you know everything! I'm glad I don't have to talk to you again." Olivia says and storms away.

I sigh.

Did I mean all those things that I said? Absolutely not.

Did I have a choice. Nope.

If I didn't say all that to her she could get too close to me. I'm afraid both of us would get hurt by getting close to each other. So it's better if she stays away.

If it would have been anyone else I would not feel that guilty about it. But Olivia. There's something about her. Something which intrigues me and draws me to her.

⏩⏩Time skip⏩⏩

"William Anderson!" Ry calls out.


"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"There's nothing right." I chuckle.

"Now is the not the time for jokes!"

"Alright. What is it?"

"What did you tell Livy? You know she's not like most girls. She's different."

"Oh yeah, then why don't you go tell her that." I say, my voice surprisingly cold.

His anger fades at this.

"You're afraid something will happen to her like Sophia and you'll get hurt again, aren't you?"

I turn to face him upon hearing her name.

"That's not," He cuts me off. "You and I both know that's the case. The only thing you're afraid of is that she'll face the same fate as Soph."

"I just don't want her to get hurt because of me."

"Will, they don't know where you are. They can't reach you remember? Livy is safe."

"You don't know them Ryder. They can do anything. I'm pretty sure they won't let me off the hook that easily."

"But that doesn't mean you have to make someone feel bad." He says sadly.

"I went too far, didn't I?" I ask taking my face in my hands.

I only wanted her to be safe.

"I didn't mean anything what I said. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"DON'T YOU GIVE UP, NA NA NA. I WON'T GIVE UP NA NA NA. LET ME LOVE YOU." We hear someone's phone ringing.

"Who's there?" I ask in the direction from where the voice came.

I started walking but Ryder stops me.

"I'll see who it is. You need to think about how to apologise to Liv."

"I don't think she'll even want to see my face again."

"Then go to her house after school."

I nod and turn away.

What should I say to her? Sorry for talking shit?

Sorry for being so rude?

Ugh. This is so stressful.

It's your fault. You brought it upon yourself.

Shut up and help me think what I should tell her.

I can't tell you with my mouth closed.

Sassy much?

"Ouch!" I let out a cry as I bang my head on the wall.

I can't believe you just did that!

Me neither.

I need to clear my mind.

Yup. Throw away all the garbage.

Including you.

Aw you're so sweet.

That wasn't a compliment.

Sure was.

Ugh! I can't believe I'm talking to myself. What are you doing to me Olivia.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Who do you think Sophia is?

Also, this chapter is dedicated to SweetandSassyQueen for always supporting my work since the beginning ❤.

See y'all next Sunday with a hopefully better chapter than this😂!


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