Chapter 3

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Cole's P. O. V
Sh*t, I thought, my breath hitching in my throat as my gun flew in to her hand. I felt my hand burst into a wild spasm as she took aim to my chest. Her finger curled around the trigger and my heart thundered furiously in my chest. Even though she was acting like this was no big deal, her face blank and pityless, I could see right through her. She was afraid. She was hesitating- but that didn't mean she didn't want to kill me.
I dove out of the way and the bullet clipped the side of my face. I breathed hard and watched her cautiously as she took aim again, the edge of her brow twitching in frustration.
"Wait!" I begged desperately. Throwing my hands up beside my head. She didn't shoot, but the gun was still pointed at me. At my head, may I add.
She glared at me suspiciously, nostrils flaring with impatience. "Make it quick"
"I'm not a PSF"
"And I'm not stupid" she shot back. Damn- isn't she the brightest person I know? I'm being sarcastic.
I couldn't believe I was about to reveal my secret to some stranger. But I had to live. I have a future- I think?
I let out a strained breath, and unclenched my fist, presenting a small flame that danced in the base of my hand. I looked up at the girl, whose fierce expression faded, replaced with clear shock. She let out a yelp and ran behind an isle. I heard her curse as something tumbled to the ground.
I waited patiently as she returned to my view, eyes wide and chewing on her bottom lip. Damn, was she hot.
The girl had warm, beige skin and a splash of freckles across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, and cozy chestnut colored eyes that were glassy from crying. Her body was slim- she had a curvy waist and long legs. She wore a tight grey shirt and tattered jeans that were tucked into military boots.
I only realised I was staring when she blushed and looked away from my gaze.
"Elizabeth" she mumbled. "My name is Elizabeth"
And for the first time in years, I smiled. I actually smiled instead putting on the classic Stewart smirk.
"Since you've taken that pretty well, Sunshine" I started, chuckling at how she scrunched up her nose at the nickname, "I'm Cole Stewert. Pleased to meet you"

Elizabeth's P.O. V
"Just let me see it! There are plenty supplies to take care of it!" I demanded, tugging at his shirt. The past three hours, Cole has been holding his stomach and groaning in pain. The only communication we had was me asking him if he's okay while I scavenged for good food that wasn't expired.
It's distracting, hearing his pained grunts echo down the isles. He was trying to move around, which only resulted in more pain. I had enough and went to find a first aid kit and fetch a cold water bottle from one of the remaining functioning fridges.
So here I am, playing nurse with my stubborn patient who is pretending to be okay.
"I'm telling you I'm fine!" Cole moaned, trying to turn away. I was growing impatient- when I'm impatient, I'm afraid of literally nothing. I become daring and desperate to get my way. "Leave me alone, Sunshine"
I grimaced at the nickname as I turned Cole into his back again. I hooked a leg over the other side of his body, mimicking the position that he had me in earlier. Except I wasn't strong and he easily tore his wrists away.
"It's just a quick fix" I reassured, dangling the first aid kit in front of his face. He glared at me and sighed in defeat.
"F*ck you" Cole grumbled, letting his hands drop to rest on my thighs. I shivered at his warm touch.
What is wrong with me?
I ignored my thoughts and nudged the hem of his shirt up and gasped.
There was a long slice across his stomach. It wasn't deep, but it was still bleeding. I brought to fingers into the cut. His breathing hitched and became uneven.
"Are you okay?" I asked. He looked up at me and patted my knee. "Peachy"
I returned to my work. The cut wasn't warm- which was good. It wasn't infected. I pulled out a cotton circle and squeezed out a few drops of alchahol, and cleaned out the blood. The alchahol would prevent it from being infected, which would cross out the need for the cream. But I took some and rubbed it on anyway, just to be sure.
"Hey Sunshine!" Cole hissed through gritted teeth, "You done?"
He started to grip my legs tightly to the point where it was slightly painful. "It stings!" he roared.
"Shhh" I soothed. "I just need to wrap it in gauze"
I have no idea what came over me, but I realized too late. I had already leaned over to brush my thumb over his cheekbone and comb the strands of choppy blonde hair out of his face with my fingers.
I snatched my hand back before he could say anything.
The roll of gauze flew into my hand and I unravelled it and began to loop it around his waist. I made sure it was secure and layered enough so the blood wouldn't escape before closing the kit and literally leaping off him.
"I'm going to, uh, look around and um" I felt the heat rush to my face as I turned and scrambled away to search the isles. "Bye!" I called awkwardky.
Oh my god. Why the hell haven't I killed myself yet? I thought. What in the damn world in wrong with me?

Hey Rebel! Sorry the chapter is... Short. Do you like it? Tell me what you think in comments!

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