Chapter 12

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I woke up to the slightly cold air of the morning and Cole's face buried in my hair. I was hoping he didn't drool, because then I'd never fall asleep with him again. I slid my hand up his forearm to wake him up. He groaned, and tightened his embrace around me. I turned, pulling my hair away so I could face him. Cole leaned in to kiss me but I dodged.
"Morning breath" I smirked. Cole rolled his eyes. And pressed his lips against the edge of my jaw before getting up. I followed him to the bathroom and snatched his toothbrush away. He stared at his empty hand for a second and then looked at me, scrubbing my teeth clean. The toothpaste was minty on my tongue and I couldn't help but relish the tingling feeling. Cole lunged at me. I sent him a mischievous glance and dodged. Cole lunged at me again, and I backed away until I hit the wall. His hands landed on each side of me. His eyes lingered longingly on my lips. My grasp on the tooth brush loosened as he molded his lips against mine. Liquified toothpaste leaked from the corner of my mouth.
His fingers danced down my wrist, and suddenly he pulled away.
I wasn't holding the toothbrush.
He was, and his eyes were locked on me as he brushed his teeth. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to the sink to rinse my mouth. I tensed as Cole's hand slid down the side of my hip, fingertips brushing the skin where my t-shirt rode up. I rinsed my mouth more viciously than necessary. The second I finished I lunged at him, but he was too quick. He quickly rinsed his mouth and pinned me to the wall. His lips met mine in a ferocious kiss and for a second I forgot what we were here for. Somehow brushing my teeth turned into a very hot make out.
Somebody coughed. I sprung away from Cole to face somebody else, a kid I didn't know didn't recognise. Her face was red with embarrassment and she was leaning awkwardly against the doorway.
"Breakfast is ready" she mumbled. She turned and dashed away before I could react. I looked at Cole. He had a smirk on his face.
"Shut up"
"I didn't say anything!"
I rolled my eyes and walked out the room. Cole followed me.
We walked into the place where I thought the dining room was, but it was strangely empty. I had second thoughts.
"Hey Cole?"
There was no answer. I looked back, but there was nobody there. The door jerked closed. I bit into my lower lip and chewed, attempting to hide my scream that bubbled up into my throat. A bunch of thoughts flashed through my mind, to fast to understand but fast enough to make my fear worse. I raised my hands into the air defensively.
I was afraid. I haven't been so afraid since the PSF controllers and skip tracers. My heart staggered into a clumsy, uneven gallop. My air was wedged in my throat. My attention darted from the door to behind me. I scanned my surroundings, even though I had already done so, many, many times.
I heard a gunshot. Piercing, loud and terrifying, like it always was. Blood bursts out of my lip and I bite down hard. I can taste it, and it's all I can think about.
The memories that flickered in my mind at the second gunshot was sickening. I can see a child sprawled awkwardly on the ground, eyes wide and dead, body soaked in blood from they gaping hole in his shoulder. I gasped at blink. The memory faded, but it lingered. I wanted it to stop.
Somebody howled in pain. It was a male voice, low, slightly husky and thick with excruciating pain. The sound was terrifying.
Cole. Where was he? Why did that noise sound like him? Where did he go?
I swallowed and forced my legs to move. I sucked in strained breaths, even though I couldn't feel them. The whole room seemed to cave in on me, trying to crush me with its walls that seemed to become taller and more menacing. The door became more far away. I wanted to scream. The ground trembled beneath my feet, matching and reacting to my fear.
The ground hiked up and I fell. The doors swung open, and finally, I screamed. I let it out.
And though I knew it was a mistake, I couldn't take it any more. The walls around me started to crumble and the floor didn't tremble, but it violently shivered, ferociously throwing me across the hall. I screamed because I was scared.
And then I saw him. Cole, writhing in pain and struggling against the restraints holding him down. A man and a woman lost hold and their guns and they flew out of their hands.
I screamed because I was truly scared, and I couldn't control it. Cole wriggled towards me. His presence wasn't comforting like it usually was. It terrified me even more. I didn't want him hurt. He somehow shrugged out of his restraints and snatched me into his arms. He kissed my hair and rocked me from side to side. I was no orange, but I didn't need that ability to sense his panic.
"What's going on?" I whimpered. The ground was still rumbling, and the walls were still crumbling, and the ceiling was still collapsing, but there was a calmer and controlled tone to it.
"Skip Tracers" Cole swore. "I thought it was illegal. Damn it"
When was it illegal? What had I missed?
The Skip Tracer man heard Cole. He smirked. "Sure, but you kids still are worth a lot of money to the scientists who want to weaponise you"
Cole and I froze. Weaponise?
"They want is to become f*cking killer machines"

Sorry for the wait. Your comments are so sweet and by the way, I read each every one. Because you're so different and special, and so are your comments. Thank you, so, so much.

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