Im Sick Again

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((Title from dreamers by AWOLNATION. Yes again.))

It's four am and Ashton can't sleep. Well, 4:27, but whatever. He's not sure he's allowed to sleep anymore. Like, maybe that's a thing fresh mutants can't do. Real mutants can sleep, Calum's like a fucking log until the hair at the back of his neck stands up and goosebumps appear on his skin, so Ashton knows damn well real mutants can sleep.

But Luke has been jogging around the warehouse for probably four days, now. He hasn't slept a wink, as far as Ashton can tell. Although, he had launched into a two day long coma immediately after the shot. Luke had taken care of him, apparently snapping back to his senses the second he'd stabbed Ashton with the needle. All Ashton knows is he'd woken up in the bed, tucked into the sheet, with Luke curled around him tightly.

Ashton hasn't slept since. Neither has Luke. Ashton, personally, fucking hates it. Sleep was his one pass time. The guards had turned off the alarm, so he could logically sleep for as long as they wanted with no breaks, but now, they can't. He's tried playing card games with Luke to pass the time, but Luke always loses and then he gets mad and bursts into flames and all his clothes burn off, so Ashton has to go grovel to the nearest guard to get Luke a new hoodie and boxers.

Ashton shifts where he's sitting at the kitchen table with an actual kitchen chair, and pulls his bowl of cold oatmeal towards him. He hasn't even taken a bite, and now he's not interested. He scowls and pushes it across the table before sitting back with an annoyed huff.

Ashton annoyed. He's annoyed, because he hasn't figured out what his new mutant shift is. He doesn't have even the slightest of clues. The second he'd woken up, Luke had helped him out of bed and prodded him to promote all of his emotions. But Ashton hadn't burst into flame or grown into the hulk or anything. He'd provided normal human reactions, and now he's on his second day of sulking.

Ashton hates this. He wants to know how the mutant dna has shifted and changed his. Mainly, so that he can learn how to control and manipulate it and make himself useful. Instead, he's just a stupid human with a slightly higher IQ than Luke.

The man in question ventures into the kitchen carefully, not even out of breath after running for a few hours. He's missing all of his clothes, ass naked as he grabs a water from the fridge and twists the cap off. Ashton watches him lean against the countertop and take a drink before they lock eyes.

"Can you not sleep?" Ashton asks.

"I've slept," Luke replies with a shrug. "Not long, but I've slept since-" he stops and gives Ashton a considering look before changing course. "Why?"

"I'm not tired," Ashton replies. "I haven't slept since I woke up from the coma."

"Maybe you're doing the opposite of making up for lost time," Luke suggests. "Like, you slept for so long that your body is just sick of it. You close your eyes and your mind is like "suck my dick, bitch.""

Ashton stares at him incredulously for a second. Eventually, he manages to get out, "You're so stupid."

"I'm told," Luke takes another drink. "What are you doing in here?"

"Nothing else to do," Ashton nods towards his bowl of discarded oatmeal. "Mainly thinking and being mad."

"Still nothing?" Like frowns at him.

Ashton scowls at him. "If I had anything, you'd be the first to know. And the last."

Luke seems thrilled with that answer and happily finishes off his water bottle. There's a few spare clothes laying around, so he slips on a new pair of boxers and a hoodie before joining Ashton at the table.

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