What I Would Do To Be With You

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((Uh I just finished writing the entire fic and it's so long that I genuinely cannot open the document on google docs anymore unless I'm using a desktop computer. I had to split it into three different docs so I could open them. It's THAT many words.

Anyway title is from La Belle Femme by Hunny))

"You know what?" Luke says abruptly. He sets the spoon down on the counter and glares. "I don't like that you can shape shift."

The baby in front of him giggles and claps his hands. Ashton's making fun of him. Like a dick. A real tiny dick. He's actually kind of cute as a baby, mostly just big cheeks and a cute little nose. Luke had found a rubber band and made little ponytails out of the wispy hair on his head when Ashton had first shrunken into a baby. He was having a good time.

Not anymore, however.

Luke scowls and picks up the spoon again. Ashton screeches, so he shrugs and hands off the spoon to allow him to scoop his own Cheerios.

"You're a real dick, you know that?" Luke tells him. Ashton giggles and spits a cheerio at him. "I'm wasting away to absolutely nothing, and you're eating Cheerios. I could die at any given moment."

Ashton picks the spit out Cheerio off of the kitchen counter and shoves into his mouth to gnaw at it. He's only got like, two teeth, Luke has no idea how he's eating them. Overall, since they'd discovered Ashton's power, Luke has been conscious for about 15 hours. Between various sessions of passing out, he's been alert enough to understand why and when Ashton shape shifts.

When Luke was afraid, Ashton had changed into a bear. When he was afraid, he'd changed into something with wings, when Luke was sad, he'd changed into a puppy. Luke figures Ashton shifts and changes based on what his subconscious brain thinks the situation requires. For example, when Luke needed a puppy.

The baby thing, however, is new. Luke does not want or need a baby. Well, maybe he wouldn't mind one, but absolutely not in this situation. And he especially does not want a baby with Ashton's mannerisms. He has no fucking clue why Ashton had turned into a baby. He's cute, though, Luke will give him that. He figures baby Ashton is about eight months old as he can stand on his little feet for minutes at a time and crawl faster than anything Luke's ever seen in his life, but he has yet to take steps of his own.

Baby Ashton tosses a cheerio with shockingly good aim and the small piece of cereal bounces off Luke's forehead and sends Ashton into hysterical giggles. Luke sighs heavily.

"You're a nuisance," Luke tells him. Ashton sticks his hand in the bowl of cereal on the counter and splashes milk everywhere. Luke sighs at him. "Look at this shit. Do you genuinely think I'm going to clean up this fucking mess?"

Ashton makes a shrill sound and splashes in the bowl in response.

"I'm not," Luke tells him. "I won't, this is on you, little fucker. You better turn back into big Ashton before this milk spoils."

Baby Ashton screams and kicks his little foot out, sending the bowl of milk all over Luke's chest. It drops down his body and he yells at top volume, grabbing the bowl and whipping it across the room. It lands with a clatter on the tile floor as Luke heaves, clenching his fists tightly as he glares at the abandoned bowl and the milk splattered across the floor.

Luke doesn't realize he's on fire until he glances back to Ashton and finds the stupid baby staring up at him with big eyes, mouth dropped open in surprise. There's drool on his chin. Ashton sticks out his bottom lip pitifully.

"No!" Luke holds a flaming hand up, but that seems to make the situation worse. Ashton starts screaming and crying as loud as humanly possible, with big tears rolling down his pink cheeks and his head thrown back dramatically. Luke reaches towards him, but Ashton just screams even louder and tries to wiggle away from him. "No, Ashton, come on!" Luke tries.

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