Bed Table/Desk (Part 2)

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Do you have so many lamps and books on the desk and you don't want to waste space by putting another bookshelf?

Use the lamps and/or vase as a book holder and you can turn the lights on for effects.

And as a tip for this hack, add a floating shelf on the walls because it keeps more space (for you to work on).

Shelves you can recycle from your home:

1. An old book. (You can put the vases or books over and you'll have wide table. Just don't put the lamp because I think it's weird and it doesn't make any sense.)

2. You can try a block of wood. (It's the usual thing you would make as a shelf.)

3. Hooks. (I know it's weird or something but you can put strings on your books/notebooks that can be hanged. I don't know. It's just that it's pretty to look at your books hanging, you know what I mean?)

And most of all, make your dads/boyfriends/older brothers/uncles or any boys around there to do the rest.

And if you have experiences on wood crafts or something, you can do it your own.


I apologize. This was all about shelves, isn't it? It was supposed to be Desks. But it does make sense because it'll make it wider.

Okay, moving on. So next time will be hair hacks. How long does you wash your hair, what is the safest way, etc.

See you next chapter. Bye!

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