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It must've been at least half an hour until someone came upstairs. Luke and Michael were quietly speaking to themselves, but when I heard two doors shut, I knew I wasn't in their room.

So I was either in Calum's or Ashton's. I hadn't bothered looking around the room when I came, now it was too much effort, so I had to hope it was Calum's.

I'd left my phone downstairs, therefore I had nothing to do, so I had to give into exhaustion. As I kept my eyes shut, I felt myself becoming heavier and eventually falling asleep.


I jolted awake when I heard the door open, sitting up instantly.

"It's only me," Ashton said. Internally, I groaned.

Truthfully, I couldn't be mad at him because he'd saved my life, but I was so mad that I couldn't see my mum. She needed me. She would be so lonely.

"Do you have my phone?" I said groggily, wiping my eyes and climbing under the duvet. My body ached more than it should've.

"Yes and I'm keeping it for now, go to sleep,"

"I'm not tired," I lied. He went into his bathroom and started to get changed.

"Yes you are, nothing is gonna happen, I promise, so just sleep,"

I sighed and closed my eyes, curling up in the duvet. Ashton climbed in the other side a few minutes later, but made sure to stay away from me. I knew it wasn't only him who wouldn't let me see my mum but I was so mad.

However, I still wasn't asleep. The house was silent apart from the soft snores from Ashton and I was getting fed up. As I flipped over again, I accidentally hit his arm and woke him up.

"Owwww. Why are you awake?" he quietly asked.

"I can't sleep... I'm so fed up of everything Ashton, why can't I just be normal?"

He turned over to face me and brushed the hair out of my face. I sulked and let me head flop onto his shoulder.

"Don't say that, why do you think you can't sleep? Are you panicking? Are you too cold or hot? Is it the bed because Calum would let you stay with him," he offered.

"No it's not that- well I guess it is. I can't relax and I hate being alone in the dark and silence of the house. It makes me think too much,"

He gently rubbed my back and fumbled around on the dressing table for something.

"Trying listening to music. I know it's easier said than done, but also just try and clear your mind,"

He handed me a pair of headphones and his phone, letting me find a playlist. He moved the pillows under me and sorted out the duvet. Since he'd looked after me at my worst, he knew how to make me comfy. I put on some random music and shuffled closer to him.

"Please can I have a hug," I whispered. Ashton was always so cheerful but I wasn't in the mood. Ever. I knew he wanted me to be happy but I felt vulnerable and on edge.

"Of course, now go to sleep,"

Usually, I woke up early, so the morning wasn't any different. Like every morning, I felt sick and grim, but this morning it was even worse.

Poking Ashton in the arm woke him up, but he was less than impressed.

"Emily, I'm tired and really need to sleep. Can I please sleep comfortably instead of hugging you for a little bit?"

"I don't feel well,"

Someone knocked on the door and Calum walked in, standing next to me. He was always here at the right time.

"Why don't you come and sleep in my bed for a while? Both of you can get some sleep," he offered.

Ashton looked up at him and smiled lightly but I whined. Despite a disagreement yesterday, I wanted more than anything to be with Ashton.

"Come on, Ashton needs to sleep hun and so do you," he said, lifting me out of bed. I shivered, hitting my head on his shoulder.

"You not feeling too good?" he asked as he walked me to his room. I shook her head and rested all my weight on him.

"What's wrong? I can get you some medicine,"

"My throat and head, and ears, and hip," she groaned.

He went to the bathroom to get some medicine, bringing back water and tablets. I'd put both a duvet and a cover across my body, but he tried to fold them back.

"You're boiling hot love, at least just have the cover on then," he said. He climbed back in bed and put the duvet on the floor before adjusting the cover and pulling me onto his chest. I took the medicine, listening to his breathing. It was steady.

When I woke up again, I was sprawled across the bed, and Calum wasn't there.

Downstairs, I heard him laughing with Luke, and a weird knocking sound on the floor. My mind was fuzzy, so I couldn't figure it out, but I dragged myself out of bed to see.

Luke was cuddled up to a large dog, Calum up to a smaller one.

They didn't notice me, but that was okay. I was tired anyway and went back upstairs.

I hoped I wasn't really sick.

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