This is Gospel [OLD]

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So, this is going to be different from..some of the things I right, but here goes, lovelies. Enjoy.

ON THE SIDE!!!! A gif from the original music video I based this on, and the piano version of the song as a video just because it has more feelings. Go check out the original music video of This is Gospel by Panic! at the Disco to see why I made this. It inspired me, made me cry, get angry, and happy. :)

It's cold. I'm cold. Everything is cold. My eyes burn, and everything I touch is cold.

I'm not in the idealised world everyone thinks I must be in just because I was a good person. I wasn't good, but I shouldn't be punished for the things I did, and I'm not. I may not have a cell phone, or junk food, or a dog or cat, but I have everything I need.

I watch as you laugh, and dance, and play. I watch as you grieve over what could have beens, and what ifs. I see all that you do, and it's not like I enjoy everything that comes to offer with where I am. If I could I'd come back and I'd do what I couldn't have when I was with you.

I'd hug you, and kiss you, and tell you how much I love you. I'd tell you everything that'll make you happy, and I'd be there for you. I would tell you that everything is going to be fine without me, because you have others that love you and feel like you do. I'm still here for you when I'm gone. I'm still standing by your side, smiling and helping you go on. I'm there.

You can't say it's over between us, because you know it's not true. Our relationship has just began. You have so much to do with your life. You may only have a few years left to live, or ten, or twenty, but you have to make the best of it and not cry over someone who you aren't able to touch. I'm touching you in your heart, and I'll always stay there for you to think of me when you're down, and you can smile.

We spent so much time together that we have memories, and not all of them are broken by the thought of me lying in a bed perfectly fit six feet deep. The times when we laughed about the stupid things we did. Oh, how stupid we were back then.

We have the times you got jealous and we had a pety fight. The times I got jeaous and stormed out in rage.

We have the times where we would cook together, lay together, talk together. We were perfectly fit in the box everyone put us in, because we were comfortable with each other, and we just wanted to be together.

But if you love me, please let me go. I'm not suppose to be remembered as the one that got away, but the one that stayed with you. I can't sit and watch as you tear up over me, but I can stand and watch you smile. Smile, because you're not affraid to live.

I lived, and that's all that mattered. I lived when I couldn't go on. I lived and I smiled about it. Now it's your turn to live. But you can't let me weigh you down. You have to live for you, and if you can't live for me.

You can't keep thinking about me when that's all you think about. Go hiking, or swimming in the ocean, or even finish that test with a bang. Just do it for me. You can't be sad forever.

If you love me, let me go.

Yep, that's what I finally wrote. Sorry if it wasn't your sex one shot, but it's what I thought of writing. What do you think? Do you like the songs as much as I do? Tell me what you think and like or dislike. Anything of the like. ^^




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