25: Heart to Heart Chat

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As soon as Zayn walked in the door of his home, he heard his cellphone ringing. He sighed and then wiped his face with a washcloth before looking at the caller ID. It was Louis. So he answered.


"Hey. Where are you? Are we still on for this evening or what?"

"I just finished."

"Finished what? And why are you breathing so hard?" Then he gasped. "Were you masturbating?"

Zayn frowned. "What? No, Lou. Some of us have actual yards to cut unlike you. And in case you weren't familiar with that kind of work, it's not easy in the summer heat. So people tend to be out of breath and in need of hydration when they've finished."

"Mhm." He said but it sounded like he was accusing him in a playful manner.

"Why do you always have such a twisted mind when it comes to me? You can't just be normal?"

"What's normal?"

"Not you."

"Oh. Then no. I can't be normal."

Zayn rolled his eyes and rushed to change the topic. "Anyway, I just finished mowing the lawn and yes, we're still on. But only after I shower and get something cool to drink before I pass out." He went into the kitchen and put the phone on speaker while he washed his hands.

"Do you know what time you'll be done?"

"Not really."

"Not even an estimate?"

"No, but I'll be there, okay? I promise."

"And I'll be waiting."

"Thank you."

Louis was the one to hang up, so Zayn didn't have to. And after getting himself a cool drink, he made his way to the shower so he could get ready for the evening.

* * *

A little after seven o'clock, Zayn finally showed up at Louis' place. He chuckled when his best friend opened the door wearing an apron with the words "I suck at cooking" printed on the front.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

"Hmph. There is nothing humble about you rushing me over here."

"Hey. You're the one who called me originally and I did not slave in the kitchen all afternoon and evening just for you to show up late."

"Am I not here now?"

"Yes. But you're still late."

Zayn smiled and followed him into the kitchen. "Sorry. I didn't realize it would take me that long to finish the yard. But it does smell good."

"Thank you. That's the garlic Parmesan potatoes that I just took out of the oven. Right now, I only have to cook the T-bone steaks. How do you like yours cooked?"


Louis turned on a burner on the stove to heat the pan of very little oil. He folded his arms and looked at Zayn. "So..."


"Why are you here? You can't just call me and tell me you wanna see me and not expect me to worry. You never do this."

"I know."

"So why'd you ask to come over?"

"You just said why."

"Why? What did I say?"

"Because I never do this."

He turned his head sideways and took off his glasses. "So you're doing this because you never do this?"

"See?" » Zarry ✔Where stories live. Discover now