26: Black

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"Harry!" Zayn called out.

Harry answered him from the back of the house. "What?!"

"Where'd you disappear to?!"

"My room!"


"You said we were going outside!"

"Not yet!"

Zayn got up and walked to Harry's bedroom. When he got there and turned on the light, Harry was just finishing putting on his second shoe. He leaned against the door frame.



"I said after we finish going over the color, we'd go out."

"But why wait?"

"You wanna go out now?"

"Why not?"

Zayn folded his arms and shrugged. "I don't know. There's not a reason. I guess we could go out now. If you just want to."

Harry hopped up from the bed excitedly. "Of course we can."

"But I'm warning you. The longer we stay out there, the more chances we have to be bitten by mosquitoes."

"That's okay. I've been bitten many times before. I'm not afraid of them. Unless of course you are and you can't handle it."

He leaned off the wall. "Please. I was only being nice for your sake. Bring it on."

"I will."

Loving their playful banter, Harry followed Zayn to the back door of the house and outside. Since it was Zayn's idea to sit in the grass, he gladly took Harry's elbow in his hand and led him off the back porch and out into the middle of the yard. They sat down next to each other.

"I like this suggestion." Harry said. "To come outside and enjoy the night as you said. I like it."


"Yes. It's been a while since I did this. But why did you want to do it? What does it have to do with the color black?"

Zayn took out his phone. "Well, how about we learn a little bit about the color real quick. And then you'll know why."

He hummed and leaned onto Zayn. "Fine."

Zayn happily put an arm around him and then used his other hand pull up the internet with the webpage already opened.

"Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil and mystery. It's a very mysterious color that we often associate with fear and the unknown and unlike the color white, it usually has a negative connotation. It denotes strength and authority and is also the symbol of grief. Which is why some people choose to wear black to a funeral. And that's it, really. There isn't much more to say on the color black, Harry."

"Uh huh and how is this related to enjoying the night?"

He sat his phone down in the grass. "Because sitting in the dark is a lot like what you do, everyday. When it's dark like this, everything we hear around us- the crickets chirping and the dogs barking in the distance... there's a mystery added to all of it because like you, I could never know where those things are just by identifying them with my eyes. I have to use my other senses to perceive them. And sometimes that's what makes enjoying the night so great. The mystery behind it.

"And then like right now. I can look up now and see the stars and I can see colors of green and yellow and blue and purple glistening from them. But the sky is vast and everything up there is so far away and almost unreachable. That's what makes the dark give off the feeling of the unknown. I mean... It's beautiful to look at. But I know I'll never reach it because there's no ending. It just goes on and on.

"See?" » Zarry ✔Where stories live. Discover now