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Aprils pov

"We should get going" I say as I step out of his embrace.

"Of course" He says and begins walking towards the door, before he opens it he turns around and says :

"Can I hold your hand?"

"Aren't we going with your car?" I ask confused.

"We are but I just really want to, I like the feel of your hands in mine." He says shyly.

I feel myself heating up and all I can do is nod as a response.

We walk out and I wait for him to lock the door behind me, we then proceed to his car and he opens the front door for me.. Aww how sweet ❤

I let go of his hand and take a seat, I watch him walk around the car and get into the driver seat. He then starts up the car and steers the wheel with his right hand while his left hand seeks my hand. He intertwines our fingers together and I can't believe how good this feels.

Why didn't I ever do this?

"Oh , I don't know maybe cause you were  too afraid to take a chance?" Snow says sarcastically.

I can't believe I'm getting attitude from a wolf.

"Come on! Be nice, you know the main reason I've been cold to him is because of our past." I remind her.

"Yes. I know that, but does he? " She asks seriously.

"Of course not. Only Dylan knows" I tell her.

Oh.My.Goddess. Dylan is in the hospital and I'm here too busy getting lost in my mates touches.. What's wrong with me?

"Your feelings for our mate are increasing." She says. I just ignore her.

"Jason, could you please hurry up? " I ask worriedly.

"I'm doing the best I can." He says and then goes silent..

What if he's badly injured?

What if I get there when its already too late?

What if I lose him like the way I lost my parents?

"April, He's fine. He wasn't in any critical condition please be calm." Jasons soothing voice invades my thoughts.

"What if-" He cuts me off  by saying :

"We're here so we're about to find out so please be calm, Shadow and I don't like it when you are scared or worried so, please just be calm..... For us?" He asks looking straight into my eyes.

"I'll try." I say.

"That's better than nothing." He says and gets out of the car to come to my side and open it for me.

He once again takes a hold of my hand as we enter the hospital. We go to the reception area and ask for Dylan.

"I'm sorry Beta, I cannot give you any information. Only his family members are allowed access to his information." The nurse says while twirling her hair.

"I'm his sister." I say.

She gives me a look that reads "be serious".

" I truly am, if he's awake you can ask him. Please, I really need to see if he's okay." I plead.

"I'm sorry miss but I can't." She says not looking sorry at all, instead she is ogling at my mate and begins batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.

I feel a strange feeling in my chest and all I want to do is claw her eyes out.

"Listen, first of all before I claw your eyes out stop eye humping my mate and for the love of the Goddess tell me where my brother is." I command feeling the power behind my words.

She whimpers, and then lowers her head in a sign of submission.

Twice in one day? What the hell is happening to me?

"He's in room 309 and is not in any critical condition. I'm sorry for being disrespectful your Highness." She says.

I ignore what she calls me and grab Jasons hand looking for room 309.

"Do you know where the room is?" I ask Jason who seems to be in daze.

"Yeah. April, how did you do what you did back there?" He asks.

"I don't know.. I just did." I say feeling confused as well.

"What you did there was impossible, I mean it would've made sense if we were mated but the thing is we're not. So there is no way, you could make another wolf submit. What are you not telling me? " He asks.

Everything. I guess I should tell him about making Esmy submit to me too.

"Um.. Well.... You.. See.. I kind of made Esmy submit to me." I say while looking at the ground.

"What? Impossible! She's an alpha! How were you able to do that?"

"I don't know okay? Can we please have this conversation some other time, I really need to see how Dylan is doing." I say tiredly.

He nods in a forceful manner and then leads me to a room that is the last one on the right on the third floor.

"I'll wait here." He says. "Unless you want me to come with you?"

"Yes please." I say sounding like a five year old.

I open the door and step inside.

The first thing I see is him on the bed looking towards the window, next I see his left leg hanging on a sling with bandages covering it.

As if sensing me, he turns around and smiles so breathtakingly, I mean no where close to Jasons smile but would still probably melt the hearts of many.

Hold up! When did I start comparing?

"Butterfly." He says and I immediately quicken my pace to his bed.

He tries to get into a sitting position but grunts in pain while holding his stomach.

"Easy there." I say tears threatening to spill.

"You came." He says.

"Of course! Why would I never come?" I ask shocked.

He remains silent.

"Dylan, what happened?"  Jason asks while taking a seat behind me on the hospital bed.

"We were attacked by rogues, their leader sent them to give us a message." He says while avoiding my gaze.

"What message?" Jason asks and all he does is remain silent.

"Dylan! What was the message?" He asks this time with force and power.

"We are to deliver April to them on our territories border or they will come for her forcefully." Jason growls and wraps his arms around my waist in a tight grip and then inhales my scent. " Not only will they come for her but for the pack too. We have one week to decide."


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter 💙

Thanks so much for 12.3k reads, you guys are the best ❤❤❤ 🌹🌹🌹🌹

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Next update on Saturday 💙



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