chapter twenty

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TWENTY CHAPTERS! What?? Thank you so much guys!


Standing there, in front of the priest, waiting for my girl, my beautiful girl. Amber Michaels, soon to be Corbett.

I look in the audience. I see Sylvia and Darien, My dad was holding Dawson and Lily with her two boys. Jason and Linda, Marla and Finn, Katherine and Jake, Carol and Hunter, all of their kids, and of course Amber's dads pretty little young thing.

All of our aunts and uncles, cousins and their kids, friends and families. Along the aisle, there were white and yellow flowers, beautiful green grass, where Amber and her father walked.

They say you get your breath taken out of you when you see your bride, but I never thought they'd be right. My breath was actually lost. She was absolutely gorgeous. Amazing. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Fragile.


Her father and I shake hands, and he hands her off to me. Her soft, pretty hands. I couldn't stop smiling. She couldn't stop smiling.

"I do." I say.

"I do." She says.

Her eyes glistened. I was the happiest man alive. Her wavy brown hair was over her shoulders, her tan shoulders showed through. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

"You may kiss your bride."

"Yes sir,"

I take her and lunge her in a dip kiss, and we have the most romantic kiss ever. Someone brings Dawson up to us as everyone cheers.

Amber carries him on our side, and we take hands and lift up her bouquet.

Best day of my life.

I have my beautiful wife, my 10 month old son, my family, my friends, no interruptions. Life was perfect.

She was perfect.

This is all so perfect.

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