chapter sixty-two

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"I don't want him born without a name," She panics in between contractions.

"Amber, you still don't know it's a boy. And we will choose one." I attempt to comfort.

"Dream," She reminds me.

That weird psycho dream she had, predicting the future. I lay on the hospital bed breathing with her through the pain.

I wish with everything that I could do this instead. But she's so good at it, I would never be so tolerant.

I have my hand on her pregnant belly and feel kicking. I smile and think that I really do want another son.

"I like Vance," I say.

She looks at me. "What? Did I tell you that?"

"No, why, was that apart of your psychic dream?" I ask sarcastically.

"Actually, ya it was!" She says.

She then gets another contraction through the excitement, and the doctor comes over to check how far along she is.

"Wow, Amber sweetie you're fully dilated. Ready to meet your new baby?" She asks.

Amber looks at me and smiles. "In my dream you weren't here for his birth,"

"I'm glad it's a boy," Dawson admits as he holds his new brother.

"Me too," I joke.

Amber looks like she's in heaven, either glad she's done being pregnant and with labor, or that her weird dream wasn't right about this.

I kiss her forehead. "I'll never leave you,"

"Don't run into burning buildings." She laughs.

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