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Anybody's POV

Grell made his way to the Burnett mansion.

"Hello, Madam Red"

"Grell, you should have told me you where visiting. I would of got my maid to prepared some tea in advanced"

"It's fine. How's the little one?"

"Arthur has just had a cold and it was worrying but he's fine now."

"That's good to know"

"It was thanks to you that I still have him" Madam Red smiled

"You don't need to thank me, I was too late to save your husband."

"But still..."


Madam Red POV

I don't know what happened, the carriage suddenly went out of control and hit me and Burnett. I woke up on a hospital bed. The doctor walked in and explained that my husband had died and that my baby was stillborn. I cried, I cried my heart out. The doctor also told me that I wouldn't be able to have anymore children. I asked if I could see my child for one last time. He complied with my request and gave me a few moments to say my farewells. Just as I was about to leave a man with long red hair appeared. He held an orb like thing in his had and placed it on top of my dead child. "What do you think you are doing!" I screamed then rushed to my child's side. The man disappeared, that wasn't important, my child was. My child started to take small breaths. He.....he was alive. "Doctor!" I once again shouted. He came in shocked saying "It's a miracle" I had never felt so grateful to my red angel. I later meet him again and found out his name Grell and that he was a grim reaper, not an angel but he would still be my angel.

Flashback End

"Are we going to have some tea?" Grell said trying to change the subject.

"Ah, yes tea"

Madam Red then asked one of her maids to go get them some tea, while both of them seated themselves in her study.

"Grell, how have you been?"

"Collecting souls and doing lots of paperwork, the usual. I have heard that you have recently received your doctor degree."

"Yes, it was thanks to you and little Arthur believing in me."

"That's why I came to visit my godson and to warn you to tread carefully."

"What's wrong?"

"I know about you killing that prostitute. Before you panic, its okay, I'm not judging you. I just want you to be careful and I'm offering my help. I cant stand to see my friend get hurt."

"Best friend" she muttered but was glad that Grell didn't condemn her for killing those pieces of trash.

"Do you want my help? I can act as your butler, your accomplice, partner in crime. Oh, we could have matching red outfits."

"Only you Grell would have matching clothes and accessories while committing a murder."

A maid knocked on the door and then came in with the tea.

"My lady, the you master is awake and wishes to see the both of you."

"Bring my little Arthur here please"

"Of course my Lady" she bowed then left.

"I hope he's excited to see his godfather"

"He probably is"

Another person knocked at the door, the maid came in with Arthur.

"Hi gwell" A small toddler with brown hair with red highlights said.

"Hello Arthur. How have you been?"

"Grweat! mummy got me a book"

"Oh? What's it about?"

"There's a Dragon in it and a prinsess in it"

"That's sounds fantastic"

"He loves that book very much. Its called 'The Black Knight'. The black knight is a banished knight but the king needs his help to save his daughter so in exchange for the knights freedom, he has to save the princess from the dragon."

"That sounds a bit much for a 3 year old to understand"

"He is my little genius"

"Of course he is. Arthur do you want me to read the book?"


"Can you go and get the book?"

"Yes, I'm a big boy"

Arthur, left to find the book.

"Madam Red my offer still stands"

"Okay, you will now be know to others as Grell Sutcliff butler of the Burnett household, starting tomorrow."

Arthur was back in the room with the book. He went over to Grell and pulled him to his bedroom so he could read the story. Arthur laid on his bed while Grell pulled a chair beside it.

The both of them left a smiling red women behind.

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