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A/N: I am alive
Grell's POV
Anger wasn't the best word to describe my mood right now. I was positively murderous. Whoever had stolen the cinematic records was going to pay. I have already come up with many suitable punishments for them. I have ordered William to aid with the search of the culprit and the recovery of the records. The records were stolen a day ago at around 2 o'clock in the morning. I have been up since 2 o'clock yesterday dealing with the damage and chaos caused by it. The sooner this is dealt with the better. God I need some more coffee.

"Maria!" I barked out to one of my underlings. Immediately a girl rushed in looking absolutely terrified. She was a young girl about 15 or so. She has plain brown hair and standard black glasses which partly hid her blue eyes. She wore the standard reapers uniform. How unoriginal.

"Ca-n I hel-p you s-ir?" She squeaked like a terrified mouse. Honestly, I'm not in the mood to deal with this. Coffee I need coffee.

"Can you please get me some coffee? And then you can go on your break." I told her in the most polite tone that I could muster up. No need to further scare her.

"Of course Sir. I'll immediately get the coffee for you." She gave a small respectful nod. This time she didn't splutter which I was grateful for.

A few minutes later Marie arrived with a large cup of coffee. I downed the whole thing in a second, I new record for me. The coffee was delicious just what I needed to get back my focus. Now back to the task at hand. I should see Undertaker he probably knows something...

Anyone's POV

Ash Landers, the Queen's personal butler was casually sipping tea with Tanaka at the Phantomhive estate. He was talking with Tanaka about the flavour of his tea n the kitchen. Ciel and Sebastian had stumbled upon the two. Ciel looked at Ash in a curious manner, wonder why he was at his estate.

"Why are you here at my estate?" Ciel questioned the white haired butler.

"I have come here with a purpose. The Queen is in destress over the news of a new cult forming. The cult is located in an abandoned monastery in Preston, Lancashire. Due to the fear that the cult is planning to overthrow the government, the Queen wishes for the cult to be dissolved as quickly as possible." Ash informed with a serious tone, indicating the importance of the matter to Ciel.

"I understand. Does the Queen want the cult completely eradicated or?" Ciel asked Ash.

"That is entirely up to you. The Queen knows that you will make the best decision regarding this issue." Ash gave Ciel a soft smile. "I believe I must be heading back to her majesty. I hope you accomplish the task. Farewell for now, Ciel Phantomhive." As Ash left them he gave a small glare towards Sebastian.


Grell was inside the Undertakers shop. A frown placed on his lips at the thought of why he was here in the first place.

"Undertaker... Undertaker... OLD MAN!" Shouted Grell in frustration, the lack of sleep was getting to him. Undertaker appeared, slightly shaken at the frustrated Grell.

"Grell, are you okay?" He asked his friend. For now~ He dismissed the Oldman comment, in favour of going over to Grell and huging him from behind. Grell relaxed into Undertakers embrace.

"No... Someone had the audacity to steal some cinematic records. The whole department is in a state of panic and everyone is running around like headless chicken. Do you know how irritating that is? Do you? People's stupidity never cease to amuse and annoy me." Complained Grell. He was feeling slightly better. Undertaker did seem to have that effect on him, to make him feel better.

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