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Title: DAST: Suspicion
Pairings: Harry/Louis
Rating: R (for slash themes and violence)
Word Count: 3,850
Summary: The Dog and Armed Swat Team unite to bust open one of the most active and dangerous terrorism rings in Britain. Harry finds himself uneasy at the end of the night. AU
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction - i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money from writing about them.

A small bead of sweat trickled down from his hair line, licking a tickling path down the back of his neck and underneath his collar. Almost instantly it soaked into the Kevlar Aramid, turning the patch of material cold and sticky. But he was too well trained to take any notice. Instead, he forced his breathing to a shallow, almost silent, act and gripped the barrel of his Koch G36 tighter. It was dark in the warehouse. Very dark and he was relying almost solely on his ears and, of course, his partner, who he couldn't actually see in the darkness. The soft pitter-patter of nails on the hard cement ahead was the only indication that he wasn't walking alone.

"K3, hold your position," a voice commanded in his ear. He froze instantly and clucked his tongue twice. The patter of nails halted as well.

To the normal ear what followed next would seem like magic but to K3, they could hear every minute sound that indicated the other officers getting into position around them. The almost inaudible wisp of clothing... the quiet slide of sights being adjusted and the clicks of guns being readied at head height. For a few long moments, nothing happened but, as always, the raid was timed to perfection so no-one was startled by the BOOM as the door was suddenly kicked in. The factory floor flooded with light as noise seemed to explode onto the scene. There was a flurry of movement as the suspects tried to run for cover - to escape the inevitable - living on a foolish hope that luck was on their side.

"POLICE! Put your hands up and lie down on the floor! Lie down on the floor! Do not move!" came the cacophony of commands. K3 held perfectly still, not fazed by the chaos - awaiting their command to move.

BANG! One weapon discharged.


"DROP YOUR WEAPONS NOW!" Bang, bang, bang.


"K3, be advised. One suspect on the run. Armed." And there was the command.

"Kye heel!" He barked out, scanning the factory floor carefully for signs of movement. There, next to the control room, a glint of silver. He clucked his tongue and tapped his gun twice, "stop and hold!" He commanded.

There was a low growl and a rush of air as the patter of nails raced forward furiously. "Cease and desist," he advised loudly to the runner. He counted the seconds backwards in his head and smiled at the sudden riot of barking and the following human cry of pain. His smile disappeared at the flurry of gunshots but then there was a skittering sound of metal against concrete. Suspect disarmed.

Keeping his own gun steady, he approached the control room carefully and sought out the source of snarling and human whimpering.

"Anti-terrorist police!" He shouted. "Do not move and the dog will not harm you! Lie on your stomach with your hands and legs spread outwards!"

Kye continued to snarl, which meant the suspect was still struggling. "Do not move!" He shouted again, aiming his gun steadily at the writhing shadows. "This is your second warning. You will receive one more before the dog is commanded to attack. Stop and lie on your stomach with your hands and legs spread outwards!"

A moment later Kye's snarling ceased to puffs of strained air. The suspect was now compliant. He moved forward, his gun still aimed carefully. "Suspect immobilised," he advised into his radio.

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