Aims and Objectives

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Title: DAST: Aims and Objectives
Pairings: Harry/Louis
Rating: R (for slash themes and violence)
Word Count: 4,565
Summary: The Dog and Armed Swat Team unite to bust open one of the most active and dangerous terrorism rings in Britain. Harry finds himself uneasy at the end of the night. AU
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction - i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money from writing about them.

Louis groaned in relief as he stretched his back with a satisfying crack and then shrugged out of his high visibility vest. He was more than ready to go home! 

"That was a fecking loooooong day," Niall announced as he fell through the changing room door and collapsed on the bench. "Ow," he yelped a second later. He stood back up and rubbed at his rear ruefully, "Bloody Rex... bet that's going to bruise! Stupid mutt." 

Louis laughed at him, "Well, I did warn you he was in high spirits..." 

"High spirits," Niall choked out, "he nearly dragged me the length of the course! I almost got a branch embedded up where the sun don't shine!" 

"Well maybe you better make it to gym training this week." Louis replied, his lips twitching with mirth, "build up those muscles." 

Niall pulled an affronted expression, "I'm as strong and fit as you!" He declared, crossing his arms over his chest petulantly. 

Louis twisted his head and smirked at him, "Funny, you've never beaten me at hand to hand combat in what... is it six years now you've been working here?" 

"Oh shut up," Niall huffed, rolling his eyes and shrugging off his jacket, "just because you and wonder-boy are the unit swots. Talking of Harry, have you guys got anything planned for the weekend?" 

Louis hung up his utility belt and closed his locker door, "yeah actually," he nodded with a smile, "we're having Sunday dinner at Harry's Mum's" 

Niall paused in the middle of undoing his shoelaces and stared over at his partner incredulously, "can you guys act anymore like a couple?" He ribbed with a little genuine disbelief, "Last month Harry was at your parents' house for dinner. I mean... it's the kind of thing you do with your girlfriend - not your best friend." He scrunched up his forehead, "Don't your families find it strange?" 

Louis shook his head, "no - not really," he replied with a small smile. Of course they didn't, they all knew Harry and he were together. Which, in all honesty, was both a blessing and a curse. "We've been going to each other's houses for years. Harry's mum thinks I'm a good influence on him while my mum probably just wishes Harry was her son instead." 

Niall couldn't help snigger at that. He doubted Louis' mum really would want that but it was probably a close call - Niall having met her before. Despite being a generous and nice woman, Louis mum was really strict with her eldest and only boy. Obviously she wanted the best for him but sometimes it came out more as overbearing than concerned. 

"What about you," Louis asked curiously, lifting his foot up onto the bench to retie his shoelace, "have you got anything planned?" 

"I was meant to be going for a ride with Lauren," said Niall with a deep sigh, "but I'm not sure I want to spend a few hours in the saddle now." He rubbed at his backside again and winced. 

Louis laughed and stood up straight again, "Aww, you'll break Lauren's heart if you don't go." 

"Oh don't you start that up again," Niall warned, waggling a pointed finger at him, "she's my best friend." 

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