Hold Fire

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Title: DAST: Hold Fire

Pairings: Harry/Louis

Rating: R (for slash themes and violence)

Word Count: 6,620

Summary: The Dog and Armed Swat Team unite to bust open one of the most active and dangerous terrorism rings in Britain. Harry finds himself uneasy at the end of the night. AU

Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction - i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money from writing about them.

Harry yawned blearily and, unbeknownst to him, behind the one-way glass Louis' chest clenched in sympathy. His fiancé had spent the night in one of the cells much to Louis' fury. This whole thing was a total farce, someone had obviously planted that gun. Besides knowing he wouldn't try to kill him, there was still the fact that Harry had been in front of him at the time so it would have been impossible. 

Louis had confronted Hayes at midnight demanding to know why they hadn't interviewed Harry straight away. Hayes had looked stressed out but pulled him to one side. "Look Louis, you know we can't really talk to you about it - not till we've talked to Harry first but, I need you to stay calm, okay. I think Harry's going to need you." 

Louis had just stared at him utterly confounded - what else could they possibly have to hold Harry with? It was insane. 

Hayes had cast a furtive look around the mostly empty corridor before continuing, "Listen, new evidence has just come in from forensics and the boys have pulled something from Harry's financials - it's not looking good..." Louis opened his mouth to defend Harry again but Hayes held up his hand and hissed, "Now is not the time. Believe it or not, I'm actually on your side. I don't think for one moment Harry would ever try and harm you - and from what everyone else here has said most of your team refuse to believe it too - but right now all the evidence is against him." 

"Someone's clearly framing him, then," Louis insisted impatiently. 

"That's my thought too," said Hayes quickly, "but it will not be so easy to convince Kane of it. He's old school and likes nothing more than ferreting out bent coppers and taking those highly regarded down a peg. Unfortunately, Harry is the kind of guy Kane will instinctively dislike from the get go so he will not go easy on him. But Kane's a good guy deep down, if there is any hard evidence in Harry's favour, Kane won't dismiss it." 

Louis crossed his arms, "I still want to sit in on the interview." 

Hayes rolled his eyes, "you know you can't. Don't make this any harder..." 

"Well I'll watch from behind the glass then." 

"Fine," Hayes sighed wearily, "but you'll need signed permission from either Heaney or Payne and no interrupting either Tomlinson - you hear me?" 

"I hear you," Louis nodded tightly.

Not wanting to go home while Harry was in the cells, Louis went up to his fiancé's office instead. His heart always gave a little jump of excitement whenever he thought about the word fiancé. When Harry had said he had wanted them to be more Louis was expecting maybe an awkward admission of love or a request to finally tell everyone at work about their relationship. He had not expected the subject of marriage nor had he expected an engagement ring either. He had been so stunned by the calm discussion of marriage that it wasn't until they were outside the shop that he had realised where Harry was taking him. 'Stunned' hadn't even began to cover what he'd felt standing there in the middle of the mall, realising Harry was about to put an engagement ring on his finger. It had been surreal and Louis had been so sure he was going to wake up from the wonderful yet bizarre dream before they tried anything on. 

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