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Title: DAST: Advancing
Pairings: Harry/Louis
Rating: R (for slash themes and violence)
Word Count: 6,950
Summary: The Dog and Armed Swat Team unite to bust open one of the most active and dangerous terrorism rings in Britain. Harry finds himself uneasy at the end of the night. AU
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction - i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money from writing about them.

"What I don't get is why someone in the team would want to kill you in the first place." Louis mused. 

"Probably a thousand reasons," Harry muttered, pressing his aching temple into Louis' lap and closing his eyes. God, he felt ill. Surely death would be better than this? Flu his arse; this had to be some horrific disease that was killing as brutally as it could. 

"On the rare occasion you piss me off," Louis chuckled in reply, stroking Harry's arm soothingly, "I might agree with that sentiment but the truth of the matter is... you're well liked and respected at work. I can't think of one single person in the team who would feel otherwise." 

"Hmm..." Harry mumbled sleepily, "maybe Kane was on the right track about training...?" 

"What, that you've out-best someone too many times and now they want you dead so they can be the best in the team?" Louis laughed, "I hardly think so. You're meant to be one of the best, if not the best, as you are the captain of the team." 

"Still... some crazy people... in the world..." Harry mumbled. 

"Yeah," Louis allowed, "but everyone in our team has to pass the stringent psychometrics every year to make sure they won't go crazy when they've got a gun in their hands. I'm sure the tests would have picked up someone crazy enough to go off the deep-end if they weren't top of the class."  

"Maybe..." Harry opened his eyes and slowly sat up, wavering a little. 

"You okay?" Louis asked in concern, pulling his arm away from where it had been draped over Harry's side. 

Harry shook his head tightly, trembling a little with his fever, "Feel sick." 

"Oh. Here, give me your hand," Louis gently took Harry's hand and pinched the tender webbed flesh between his thumb and index finger. Harry flinched and bit his lip as Louis continued to roll the skin tightly between his fingers. It was something both of their mothers had done for them when they were kids. After a moment Louis spoke again. 

"It has to be someone in the team though. Even if it wasn't them who pulled the trigger - someone in the team must be involved because of the gun and the position the shooter was in during the warehouse bust. If you were indeed the target then they had to have somehow known it was you under your balaclava. That means they must have seen Liam's POA and only someone in the team would have access to that. Liam probably didn't leave it for a second the whole night" He licked his lips, "James and Joe both swear blind that there was another person to their right. I'm not a hundred percent sure because it all happened so fast but I think there were three people behind me. If that's the case and it was someone in the team, it has to be someone who wasn't on the rota or someone hired by a member of the team to pose as one of us or..." 

"It was someone on the rota out of position and someone else is covering for them," Harry croaked. 

Louis swallowed hard and nodded.


"Who wasn't on the rota for that night, then?" Zayn asked as he bit into his bacon buttie. 

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