Are you okay? (major angst)

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Warning : self harm, mentions of death of a friend, suicidal thoughts, angst, eating disorders, and angst. If you are triggered by these things DO NOT READ. ' ' = thoughts

"Welp I'll be on my way." I said while I teleported to my room. I took the picture and put it in my folder. I was just thinking about Yuri. It's funny how my middle name is Yuri and I had a friend named Yuri. We used to love going ice skating together. We always used to enter in competitions when one day I got a call. It was from his parents. They were crying and told me that Yuri was hit by a drunk driver while driving to the skating rink. I was absolutely devastated. I cried like there was no tommorow and I never really cry. That was the day I first cut myself. I've been getting the urge to do it but I haven't yet because I haven't been able to get some razors. I knew what I was going to do. I quickly grabbed my wallet and teleported to the store. I walked in and I was greeted by a worker. She asked me if I needed help blah blah blah. I said no. I quickly went to the shaving area and grabbed a pack of sharp razors. I walked up to the counter and bought them. I quickly teleported home and put the razors in the bathroom. When I heard a voice shout "Where the fuck have you been!?" "I went shopping." "Well-." "I just went shopping so be quiet I said upset. I then slammed the door. I locked it and I put a spell on it where they couldn't spell blood. I took the razor out and gently pressed it on my wrist. I winced because I frogot what it felt like. I then pressed it harder and slashed my wrist up alot. It was really bloody so I ran the cold bath water over my wrist. It stung but it was worth it. I grabbed a red washcloth and pressed it on my wrists until the bleeding slowed down. I then bandaged it. Then it struck me..... I was three years clean and I broke it. All the hard work for nothing. I sat down and broke down crying. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly pulled my sleeves down and made it look like I wasn't crying. "Yes?" I said aggravated. "Are you okay?" I was started by this question. "I'm fine why Laito?" "I sensed a sad aura coming from in here." "Oh." Laito furrowed his brows and said "Are you really okay?" "I'm fine." "Don't lie to me." He said suddenly. 'Oh shit he can tell when I'm lying.' "I'm just sad that's all." "Okay." He said not completely sure I was telling the truth. He shut the door and left.
~Laito POV~
I need to go get Shu. I know that is Shiro. I know he is lying. I smelt blood on him and his eyes were puffy and red. The blood smell was mainly coming from his wrist which if I'm correct saddens me. I think Shu would know what to do plus Shu loves him. I reached Shu on the couch and tapped him. "What do you want?" he said lazily. "Victor's depressed and I think he cuts himself." After I said this he was wide awake. To be continued bitches #sorrynotsorry

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