You #7

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I think we've definitely been up and down a few times. I still don't know where I stand with you. I just feel like I don't fit in with you most of the time. We've been acquaintances for awhile and possibly friends for 2 years but again I'm still not sure. I've also had some very interesting memories with you that you don't remember but thats alright. No one remembers me anyways. You've never really been rude or mean to me and I'm thankful for that. It's just that you are nice  to me sometimes and then other times you just don't think about me. You're so hard to understand and it makes me upset sometimes. I definitely still love you for all the things you've done for me I just wish I could be in your life a little more. I'm just so awkward I don't know how to approach things. But hey I'm least acquaintances with you and that's all I need really. I don't think we will be friends for very long but I wish you luck on your journies in in life. I love you.

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