epilogue: the blanket

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Lumi didn't quite remember what had happened that morning. She only remembered the man in blue and James's bodies tensing at about the same time before windows shattered and she was pushed aside. She figured it was James who did that.

If only there was a little fewer men, maybe she would have been able to come out from under the chair, to bark at the intruders. However, James seemed to be handling things pretty well.

Once the tall men had left the apartment, Lumi was shaking. She couldn't hold it back because there was so many loud noises and too many thumping boots on the old wooden floor.

She just wanted James's hand to fiddle with her ears, or his left arm to chew on sometimes but his warm scent left the building soon after the blue man and the shattered glass and remenants of smoke lingered, now still and silent.

Lumi moved warily from under the chair to the sheets, almost as quickly as the speed of sound because her little heart was still pounding out of fear. She waddled into the blanket that still smelt like James and settled down in a circle, looking at where the door used to be in a hope that James would soon return.

Maybe he would bring her some food.

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