15. Flutters N Flutters!

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Note: Hey! How are you all?
So, guys, I always keep you guys updated on my message board, so please check that first if you find a delay in updates.
Now for those who haven't read my message board, or don't follow me, I have exams starting form 28th December, and these are my final MBBS pre exams. So there might not be any update Until new year.

This might be the last update this year from me, and 2018 had been really good to me, in terms of my wattpad family. So this mushy update for you.

Happy 2019 in advance!

~ The roses are red,
And my face is too.
And that only happens, when I am around You~

The evening sun was almost on its verge to bid adeiu, and the beautiful sky was sparkling in bright colours, but Nandini was standing in front of the mirror, a safety pin tucked in her mouth as she pleated the saree in her hand, the pleats taking a life time to be equally spaced and small, the Georgette slipping away from her hands again and again. Huffing, she exhaled loudly when she was finally able to neatly tuck it all in. Relaxed, she draped the end of the saree falling down her shoulder, onto her left arm and secured it with another pin. She then turned to wear her dangling earrings followed by her bangles, and once done, jingled them happily, giggling to herself. She was filling her partition when Manik came out of the washroom, rubbing the towel through his hairs to dry them, and Nandini froze, because apparently, her husband had forgotten to wear his Kurta, over the low waist Payjama he was adorning.

Tucking in a sharp breath, her eyes were stuck on the mirror, her hand frozen at the level of her parting, and instead of putting the Vermillion, she continued to stare shamelessly at her husband, who flexed his taut muscles as he wore the semi - transparent Kurta, she had painstakingly selected for him.

Once done, he turned and found her standing like a statue.

" Nandini?"


" Naaanndddinnnii!", He almost shouted this time and she jumped on her place, the box of Vermillion almost going to fall down but Manik acted in a reflex and held it safely.

" Where are you lost?", He asked, frowning.

"In you!", She pouted, and Manik chuckled at her answer. It irritated her, but then, he looked so adorable that she resisted her urge to snap, and diverted her attention to wearing the remaining of her jewellery, and doing her hair. She made a low bun, with a few strands falling out deliberately, though she made it look messy. Perfect for a dinner with her Appa, and sexy enough to keep her husband on toes. Satisfied, she turned to face him.

" How do I look?", She twirled, the frills attached to her saree danced in the air, and her falling drape touched the ground beneath, as she enjoyed wearing this elegant piece of clothing.

She was expecting everything from him, a shy compliment to a bold kiss, everything and anything but this face that he made, rolling his lips in, his entire demeneour screaming unsatisfactory. She turned back to the mirror, checked herself again, and keeping all the self- flattery aside, she really thought she looked pretty, and mind you, it seldom happens that a girl herself agrees that she looks good.

She then turned to face him, and raised her eyebrows, but Manik continued to stare at her the same way.

" Something is not right!", He muttered, and she twisted her lips.

" Come on Manik, I wasted two hours for this-", she pointed at herself, "and you are not even saying that I look nice", she huffed, and sat down on the bed, her entire mood now spoiled.

Manik took the advantage of her sitting down, not that it would have made a difference, and rolled out her juda pin from the bun, spoiling her perfect messy bun, and letting them fall over her back like a cascade.

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