18. Lucky In Love!

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~ Maybe that's what is being in love! Both feel they are the luckier one out of the two!~

To say, Nandini was ecstatic these days, would be an understatement for her happiness. She was over the moon, if that was possible. Manik had been what she had never thought he could be, a tease when he intended to, a joker when he wanted to see her smile, a perfect husband in every sense. Moreover, she loved the rushed kisses and touches every now and then. She loved how he had started to corner her anytime of the day just to mark her or kiss her randomly. The sexual tension between them was growing ten folds each day, and even she didn't know why hadn't they crossed the 'doing it' phase yet! But at the same time, she enjoyed these little escapades, and it only tightened the knot in her stomach, her anticipation of finally knowing him in the most intimate way possible.

Ofcourse she imagined him doing things to her, she had daydreams of him kissing the hell out of her multiple times. Sometimes it was more than that, sometimes it was just holding hands with him. But Manik Malhotra had been ruling her one way or the other, heart and mind, and she had began to gauge what she felt for him.

Maybe that was why, she had spent the last two days extremely irritated. For someone who loved the attention showered on her, a complete absence of that was meant to be a curse. And owing to a high profile VIP case that had a hearing soon, Manik had been extremely busy preparing for it, so much that he didn't even bother coming to their bedroom for sleeping either. Nandini had woken up alone in the bed, for two consecutive nights, only to find him asleep in his chair with head on the table one morning, and today, he had left much before she had even seen the sun, with a 'sorry' note stuck on the refrigerator.

Now, she was angry and frustrated. Work was important, fine, but that is not any liberty to ignore your lovely wife, is it? She was about to stomp her feet and maybe message Manik about how angry she was when her phone pinged with a message.

" Nandini!".

Manik never messaged her like that, not her full name at least. All her anger was gone as worry took it's place, and Nandini ended up dialing his number, that he received before the first ring itself.

" Manik? What's wrong?", Nandini enquired, as she heard him sigh.

" I am just scared!", Now this wasn't what she had expected to hear, but the answer only made her smile. The most evident proof of how comfortable you are someone is when you don't hesitate to share your fears with them.

" You are The Manik Malhotra! All the lawyers around you are scared of you, and you are saying you are scared?", Nandini tried to cajole him with humour, but it fell flat as she heard him sigh.

" It's about an innocent Nandini. One fault and she will loose her chance at life. One fault and so many people will loose their faith in our judiciary!", Manik explained what she already knew. The case was against a high profile client's only son, who had tried to sabotage a girl, and the case was covered was almost all the big media houses.

" Manik! That's exactly why you need to win, and you will win, okay? Just trust me on this. I know you have given this case much more than your sweat and it's your Nandini's unfaltering faith in you. Just go and give your best shot!", Nandini gave a full blown lecture like she did to her students at college.

" My Nandini?" He laughed into the phone, and that made her bite her lower lip.

" Of all that I said, this caught your attention?", Nandini rolled her eyes, trying to dodge what she clearly knew was coming her way.

" Ofcourse. Makes me add a few more points to the list", he smirked on the other side, knowing well she was beet root red by now.

"List? What list? I don't know any list!", Nandini acted non-chalant, rolling both her lips in to avoid smiling that much.

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