Chapter 29

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Writer's Note - Remember to vote!!
Remember when Katy Perry actually used to make bops? *sigh*


Roe elicited a high pitched squeal and raised her arms over her head, "Look it's Santa!"

I flinched wondering how such a little girl could make that much noise. I'd accompanied Roe's mom and her to the mall to take their annual picture with Santa. It was all part of my Christmas gift to Roe. When I'd called her mother and asked if I could give her a gift and take her to a read and signing for the Detective Hogdins series with her supervision she was delighted. So here we were out in the mall with so many screaming children, Roe's sweaty palm in mine and in line waiting for Santa.

She was hopping from toe to toe, "Do you think he'll know what I want, Hodgins?"

I hesitated, "Definitely."

"Mommy, I'm so excited!" Roe said, wrapping her arms around her mother's waist. She was wearing a yellow spongebob shirt that said 'I'm a goofy goober.' Along with a pair of jeans and sneakers. It was really hitting me that she constantly dressed like a boy.

We were approaching the front of the line and Roe was zoned in on the elves and free candy canes.

"So she always dresses like this?" I asked Roe's mom.

Her mother gave me a laugh, "Ever since Roe could talk she just likes certain things more than others. Blue over pink, pants over skirts, spongebob over everything that's not spongebob. She's-" She looked at her daughter fondly, "She's a funny kid." Roe beamed up at her mother. "It was hard when me and Darren split up, we wanted different things. We both wanted Roe, but joint custody was the best decision. She's adjusted well to me, Tommy and Darren."

"Tommy came back!" Roe said quickly, "He said him and Daddy didn't need space anymore. Daddy said him and Tommy are solid. I don't know what that means but- we're next! We're next!"

I took a step back and watched Roe hop onto Santa's lap as the old rosy cheeked man gave out an oof. She said something quietly to him and magic snow set the scene casting the regal chair, fake snow, elves and candy cane wonderland into a world of its own. The photographers took a picture with just Roe, then Roe and her mother and then Roe was yelling at me to join the picture and I got in there, too. I felt like I blinked when the flash hit but I couldn't help but feel kind of happy that Roe wanted to include me.


Roe's mom said she needed to do her own Christmas shopping and that she'd be in the mall while we went to the read through and signing. Mike was waiting for Roe and I at the bookstore, saving us a spot in line for the signing.

"Why are we here?" Roe said, twisting her hand in mine. "What's this line for? If we're here for American girl dolls, then I don't like those. They're worse than boogers."

That seemed like a weird response but I let it go. "It's a surprise." I said.

She gave a bright smile, "Like when Spongebob surprises Patrick or when Patrick surprises Spongebob?"

"What's the difference?"

"Everything is the difference!"

I felt like I might as well just tell her. "Y'kno Detective Hodgins?"

She rolled her eyes like she wasn't five years old, "Of course I know Detective Hodgins!"

"Well one of his books is coming out today, and the author is doing a read through."

"What's a read through?"

"Like, the author reads the books out loud to people."

"Oh!" Her eyes dimmed and she bit her lip, "I wish I could be there." She looked down at the ground, twisting her shoe against the floor.

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