Chapter 38

2.2K 167 58

Writer's Note- As of January 4th 2019, we have 8,430+ reads. In the past three days we've gained 2k reads.
I. Have. No. Words. Over 8k reads...Y'all have me staring at my phone in shock.

This demographic update was supposed to come after 6k reads (but we got to 8k so fast) and people are out there reading the story so here we sit

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This demographic update was supposed to come after 6k reads (but we got to 8k so fast) and people are out there reading the story so here we sit. I never thought I'd get this much interest in the story, and I don't even know how to feel anymore (like is this real, lol).

Naturally, few of the new readers are at this chapter yet, but thank you guys so much!! I feel like this is unreal because the story still has to be refined but people are reading it anyways. I don't know how to thank you guys for reading except for pumping out chapters. Hopefully you guys enjoy these last few.

These demographic stats are based on when we reached 7k reads.

13-18 (20%)
18-25 (26%)
25-35 (12%)
Over 45 (2%)
Private (40%)

Female (51%)
Male (14%)
Private (35%)

Readers and Country:
United States: 35.294% -American readers are back on top.
Vietnam: 17.647% -y'all are no longer on top but viet Reddit Facebook group will always have a place in my heart.
Australia: 6.863%
Canada, UK: 5.882%
Argentina, India, New Zealand, South Africa: 1.961%
Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ghana, Guinea, Ireland, Korea, Nigeria, Panama, The Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, and Spain: 0.98%

After the story is done I don't see how I'll be able to update you guys on demographics. But, next chapter I'll be back with 8k reads stats.


It looked like Mike was about to say something when there was a furtive knock on the door. I got up opening it to see Ky standing there. He looked harried and it stunned me to see some kind of emotion on his face. He looked surprised to see Mike there, eyes widening just barely in surprise. "Sorry to interrupt." He said, not sounding sorry at all. "Derrick, a word."

I looked at Mike and he looked completely crushed that I was about to leave the room. I thought he'd said he was angry, why did he now look sad?

"Sorry." I mumbled as I walked out with Ky.

"Walk with me." Ky said, guiding me by the elbow through the art gallery and politely extricating me from any potential conversations. His voice was low but I heard him as we walked through the crowd. "Did you know that this building was built on a dry spot? And this was originally a magical artifact museum. This bottom floor here was where the historical portion would be. It detailed the way magic has been more understood over the decades. Eventually, magic lost its novelty and it got pushed out in favour of something that could make money, like an art gallery. This art gallery actually has a copy of the big book of spells; every spell in existence. Every time someone makes, or patents a new spell, it's added to the book."

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