Chapter 36

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Writer's Note- This song is really nice. It gives off gospel reminiscent, hymnal inspired pop track with that choral backdrop. Hozier is quaking in his boots.

Also- remember to vote and add this story to a reading list!

Also - omg my story's rankings are all of a sudden higher than usual what the heck. Thank you all for the support!

The shelter had been overwhelming with the ripe smell of animals blasting into my nostrils and the baying sound of dogs rattling my eardrums.  A harried worker in a bright blue uniform had come up to me after I entered and toured me around the facility.

Most of the dogs looked longingly at me, as though I could be a source of freedom. But I didn't want something energetic and over eager. I didn't have enough energy for that.

And then I saw her.

A large dark cat was reclining sleepily like it couldn't give a fuck about all the noise and disorderly status of the shelter. When I'd pointed out the cat I wanted, the worker gave me a worried look.

I left the animal shelter holding the cat carrier they'd given me, heading to the vet clinic around the corner wanting to get my cat chipped, checked out and registered.

The vet clinic was a large stand alone structure with gleaming windows and a nice reception area. There was a high desk, which had filing cabinets behind it and the walls had happy pictures of dogs and cats along with advertisements. The theme seemed to be a homey beige and brown that made the space seem sleek and comfortable. I went up to the desk, putting my cat carrier down.

The receptionist's head was down as she furiously wrote something, her long, dark hair obscuring her face. I tapped absently on the counter and her head jerked upwards as she gave me a look of surprise, and then ultimately recognition.

"You work here?" I said. This was the woman I'd bumped into at the hospital who had given me a juice box to calm me down. How embarrassing.

"That's no way to greet someone." But her full lips quirked in amusement before I read her name tag: Dr. Maria Diaz. "I knew I recognized you. You're one of my husbands' patients aren't you?"

I couldn't believe this. I'd officially met all three of them. "How are you all doctors?" I shouldn't have said anymore but irritation swept through me like an irresistible wave. "But I shouldn't be surprised considering you're all also aggravating assholes."

Maria Diaz gave me a confident grin, not looking even a little bit offended even though her tone was sharp. "Watch your mouth, those are my assholes you're talking about."

After that she affected a professional air as she registered my new cat and escorted me to an examination room. She had only been filling in for the actual receptionist during her lunch break.

I watched Maria as she examined my new cat. Soliloquy was a sleek, grey and white maine coon cat with emerald green eyes. The shelter worker told me she was about two years old, and had a tendency to lash out viciously at people she didn't like. If that wasn't love at first sight I don't know what was.

"So how did you all meet?" I asked Maria after she casted an immobilization spell on Sol so that she could check her vitals, draw blood and conduct the physical without worrying about violence.

I didn't expect her to humour me with a story and then she did. "Well, I was with EJ first. We'd been together for a year or two and we always enjoyed playing around." She gave me a suggestive wink. Gross. "But EJ and Ky actually got their doctorates at the same university so that's when they met." She started to draw blood from Sol and I saw my cat giving me a dark look even if the rest of her body was stable. Maria waggled her eyebrows. "Their research overlaps in some really nice places." Double gross. "EJ told me Ky was hitting on him and I obviously have eyes so I suggested we all go on a date. Let me tell you, I wanted to climb that man like a tree when I first saw him. You should see the way EJ blushes when Ky touches-"

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