The day before he comes

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Lucinda POV

"Let me help you with that Rose," I said while taking the last few steps from the staircase in the packhouse.

"No need Alpha, I can manage." Said Rose, who is one of the many elders in the pack and sometimes helps in the kitchen, who is now struggling with 2 boxes that look quite heavy.

"Rose, you and I both know that I can't let my elders in this pack struggle. Come on now those look heavy.." I respond while taking the top box of Rose. We both walked into a large hall where there are many wolves working on the room. Setting down the box I had and Rose thanking me, I took note of the colours. Red and black was the theme. Well, it's what we had since a certain Beta simply reminded me at the last minute of a big event coming up. Which was the Alpha King coming on his long quest to find his mate but also checking the packs' documents? It's silly really the way I look at it, all this fuss for the she-wolves to look slutty for one night. If nobody is his mate, he leaves. Oh well, It gives the pack an excuse for a party. Looking around the hall it is coming lovely, thanks to my Gamma Oliver. He's the sweetest guy ever, been best friends well forever. Oh speaking of him. "Hey Ollie, looking decent, considering the amount of time we had."

"Well thank you for the compliment Alpha, tho you have to give Devon a lesson in how to, um, maybe read diary dates!" Oliver joked.

"Yeah well, I thought he didn't need it as he was beta for my parents. Guess someone needs to go back to school". I said with a bit of laughter. I took a last glance at everything, said goodbye to Oliver, then headed to my office.

My office wasn't like a male Alpha's office would be like with paperwork all over the place. Like for example, Alpha Jace's office is just a mess, I can't understand how he can get anything done in that place.

Oh silly me I haven't said who I was. My name is Lucinda. Yes, I'm an Alpha female. I took the role as there was a rogue attack on the pack 7 years ago which killed my parents, former Alpha Peter and Luna Maria. I was only 16 and also a late bloomer for shifting. But it didn't matter. I didn't change any of the positions of the inner circle of leaders in my pack as they helped me run the pack while getting over my loss. Also that they assisted me to learn the ropes more. I still kept up as being the second strongest pack in the country with the first being the Royal pack. Warriors and trackers are trained by Delta River which is very good since after that attack there hasn't been one since. Thank Goddess.

Anywho, looking at today's pack papers signing where I can and see if there is anything that can strengthen the pack even more. Most importantly, making sure that there is protection when the King comes into the territory. Can't let anything happen when he's here, that would not look good for our reputation. But I wasn't worried because I know River, he trains them hard but fairly. 

Over an hour maybe two, I get bored and head to the kitchen for food. Arriving at the kitchen, there were people serving large quantities of food to the dining hall and the other making the lovely food. They had to be large quantities, our werewolves eat loads. My head chef Grace was standing over the cooker with a pot of something. "Grace, what is that amazing smell?" I said walking behind her and trying to see into it.

"Well hello to you dear girl. All I can say is that it is food cooking, now excuse me and let me do my job" Grace says nudging me away, using her butt.

"Grace! I was only asking." Walking to one of the island stools and taking a seat on the end one.

"I know but I like to tease you. Anyway, you eat with the pack tonight?" Damn that question always gets me. When my parents died, I always got the looks from the pack that made me uneasy. Over the years it's gotten better but in myself, I still can't sit and eat with my pack. So I send in one of the boys to oversee and be alpha in my absence.

"No Grace, I'm not. It's the one thing that still pains me. Can't get the feeling that people are missing in the room." Saying this in a sad tone.

"I understand dear, I'll send dinner to your room."

"Thanks, Grace and it still smells so good". I say getting off the stool to go to the fridge to get a snack and drink which to head back to my office.

Once in my office, I pick up important stuff and carry it to my room. In my room, I set down the papers, snack and drink on my desk and head to the closet to change into pj. Don't judge me, an alpha gonna have to work comfortable and anyway nothing much happens in the dark hours in the pack.

Time goes quickly like usual. The dinner came, eaten and gone like the wind. Deven linked me that dinner was good, no drama and Oliver also linked me saying that the main hall was done. Thank goddess, since he is coming tomorrow. After triple checking all important files are correct and in order, I fell into my king size bed and was out like a light.



Thanks for taking an interest in this book. I would like to say that it is my first werewolf book.

If you have any comments about mistakes, spellings and other comments. I am open to them but please make sure they are nice with no bad language. They would be deleted if they are.

Till next time, Jessica

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now