Beta Oliver

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Oliver POV

The week flew past of being Beta. I have known how much Devon did and how much he sucked at it. Lucinda was right, there was much wrong that didn't add up. Luckily the pack had lots of funds to cover but we didn't really want that. During the week, pack members would greet me and comment on how the atmosphere has changed within the pack. It was true, there was a sense of peace and no negativity. This was the outcome of killing Devon, we should have done it ages ago.

The change was coming not just from me but Lucinda. After having dinner with the pack on the day of my being Beta. She made sure to join us every day not just at dinner but also at breakfast and sometimes lunch. She just felt at ease again like she was before having all the stress of being Alpha. But I don't think it was from just not having Devon around. I feel that the King has an impact on her. She didn't really know that every time that they touched the eye would be surprised, which I saw. They may be mates but it's not my place to come into her personal life. Longs she is happy and the pack is good that's all that matters.

I would like my own mate, to love and hold. But then I do enjoy having my own time to myself and not having to take care of another person. 

It was at the end of the first week and Lucinda called for me and River to her office to discuss names to take over my old title. So here we are with me sitting in a chair in front of her desk, her being behind looking like she's gonna kill someone. River just being River and leaning on the right wall.

You may think that Gamma doesn't have a big job but they do. In our pack, they would need to be skilful and have a strong need to protect the Luna of the pack. That's why I and Lucinda had a strong bond. Also, I had a strong need to protect her. Lucinda's voice brings me back to the present time. "River, none of these names stand out and shout Gamma material. Why did you choose these!" I had a copy in my hand and re-read the names. She was right they didn't really also I know most and they don't really have the mindset of having a title.

"Well, these all did well in their fighting and protecting the pack. I thought that's what the gamma needed to be. Good at fighting in case of the attack of its Alpha/Luna."

"I know some of these River, they wouldn't have the, let's say, common sense of taking ideas in a meeting," I point out, "Isn't anyone else in the warriors who could be a possible candidate? Knows how to fight but also has the knowledge that they would be in a meeting for their Alpha."

"Also they need to protect the pack when I and Oliver are not round to lead. They need to have a sense of leadership of fairness and not greed." Lucinda adds and we both look at River. We don't know if he is thinking or mad at us.

"Give me a minute, I'll be back." He says and walks out of the office. We both look at each other. River is a strange person, haven't got him fingered out yet. His story never was said to anyone.

While we waited I asked about the she-wolves problem. Every day I seem to add one or two to the list of death in the pack. "I don't know Oliver," She starts and puts her elbows on the desktop which she leans her head on the left one, " They are fine throughout the time but when they give birth, they seem to struggle. It seems to be the lower the rank the more at danger you are. But that's a theory. We can't compare to other packs. Only the King knows and we know how well he is figuring it out. I feel sorry for the smaller packs who have a she-wolf shortage and the mates who have to look after their child."

Then she sits up and with wide eyes and says, "Maybe we can keep an extra eye on Abigail, see that's she had Beta blood run through her for a bit, maybe it might help her now she is not of a high-rank wolf. We may have to ask her for this but I don't see that she could say no. Oliver, can you go talk to her about it tomorrow. I would but I wanna get to know the Gamma if we ever get there. Where has River got to?" She says that and River walks back in with another folder in his hands.

"Maybe this one." That's all he says. No sorry for taking long or for me to sit through Alpha thoughts. Her eyes were at work reading through the folder and once in a while go wide at some parts. And when she was finished reading it, she passed it to me. As I read it, I was agreeing to everything about the person. "Well, Alpha what about this one?" I look at Lucinda and nod in approval.

"River, this one sounds wonderful. What we were looking for. Oliver agrees."

"Yes I do, I kinda know this person and he may be quiet around town but he sure knows his stuff and place. He'd be a good fit in our group."

"Then it is settled. We are going to see him tomorrow morning at training. So I can see him in action to which he says in his file." Lucinda said confidently. I and River nod in acceptance. We both left the office and River dashes off somewhere, I just wandered around until dinner. We all met each other at the entrance and entered together. We eat then go off again. Lucinda asks me to meet her in her room.

In her room, she sits on her bed and I take one of her chairs. It would be awkward to sit with her on the bed. "Ollie, do you honestly think he would be good enough?"

"Yes, why are you doubting it?"

She plays with her fingers. "It's just, what if he turns out to want to take me down to which he shows us all just an act."

"He wouldn't, just looking at him here and there at training. He is good and would love to join us. Also, why would River do that to us? We both hated Devon and you know how we acted. Tomorrow you will see what he is like and have a trial run before making it official. Also, I will talk to Abigail about being closely monitoring her."

She lets out a big breath and a smile forms on her face. "Thanks, Ollie, I'm glad you are Beta now. You know how to make the Alpha in me calm and you got everything in control."

"No worries," I stand and now my head a bit and say, "Goodnight Alpha".

"Haha, goodnight Beta". She shakes her head and moves her hand to tell me to go. I left and headed to my own room. We will see how she is with her soon to be Gamma, Jupiter.

Female Alpha LucindaWhere stories live. Discover now