Dinner Date For The Alpha's- P1

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Zaliver POV

I do hate Lillian sometimes but then again I can't hate her forever for she has done lots for me. It's her idea of asking Lucinda when she arrives at the pack because she wanted to be there to help Lucinda to find the perfect outfit for her. Also, she told me off for stalling for so long. I can't help it as there was no right time for a date.

So when she got Lucinda laughing in the hallway, she sent me a link that this was the right time to ask her. So that what I did and was surprised she said yes then hurried up the stairs. I was left speechless, so headed to the living room and found Jupiter and Michual. They were talking about anything. Before I asked Lucinda for the date, I had to ask the guys where she may like to eat. They didn't give specific food she liked but she generally would eat anywhere. So I took a seat and booked a table at a nearby restaurant. I also checked with Jupiter if it was okay. To which he burst out laughing because he finds it funny that an Alpha King is getting approval from a Gamma of another pack.

When he said it was okay, after his laughing fit, I headed to the guest room I was staying and got myself ready for the date. I was nervous because this was with my mate. I have been on dates with other girls but this one is more special and with the right person.


Lucinda POV

Lillian was more than happy to help me get ready for the date, she even came out that it's her idea that she wanted to help me with the first date I go on with Zaliver. The little devil. While she was looking through my closet, I took a shower and made myself presentable. I came out of the bathroom in a dressing gown and saw that Lillian was still in my closet. I go towards and look in. What I saw was shock horror. All my clothes were everywhere. "Lillian!" I shrieked at her. Her innocent eyes just stared back at me.

"What?" She asked and then looked around her. "Ah yes. Don't worry, I will clean up. I think I have the perfect outfit for you." She walks over to me while taking care to not walk over the clothes on the floor. She handed me white jeans, a strapless purple top with black sandals. "Oooh, don't forget these also." She then handed me a nude strapless bra and white panties. I didn't mind that it didn't match. I said a quick thanks and went back into the bathroom. I know we are both girls here but I like my privacy.

After putting on the clothes and doing a light make-up. I reappeared out and Lillian was sitting on the bed with some jewellery that would go with what I'm wearing. When putting what she had chosen, I noticed she found the ring that was passed down to me from my mother. It was a simple ring with silver leaves going around and two of the leaves were coloured rose gold. She then pulled me next to her, so she could do my hair. She put it half up and half down.

I stood in the middle of my room and Lillian inspected me. "Well, you look stunning. He is not going to keep his eyes off you. So be prepared for a jealous King."

I smiled. "I couldn't have done this without you Lils." I pulled her from the bed and hugged her. I pulled away and we both strolled out of my room and down the corridor to the stairs. Lillian went down first and I counted to 10 and then followed down.

When I got to the last set of stairs, I saw that the boys and Lillian were waiting for me to come down. The must of sense me coming because they were looking at me and I reached the bottom. Zaliver came up to me and said that I was looking good. I blushed at his compliment. He extends his arm for me to take which I did and lead us out of the packhouse.

Waiting for us was a black car with a shofar to take us to where he was taking me. Zaliver opened the door and let me sit in first. He then walked round to the other side. I opened the window and when I did, I heard Lillian shout "Don't do anything I wouldn't. Have fun but not too much". I shook my head and turned my head towards Zaliver with a smile on his face. To which he also gave me a smile and took my right hand into his own. Little sparks went up to my arm which felt good. We then settled in comfortable silence for the journey ahead.

It was about a 20-minute journey to the place he had chosen to take me out to. He told me to wait for him to open up the door for me. Such a gentleman. When he opened the door and I stepped out, I looked at the restaurant. I gasp because it is the same one that I used to go with my parents. Zaliver saw my shocked state. "What's wrong? Don't you like it here?"

I shook my head, "No no. It's just that I used to go here with my parents before all the trouble started. It's my favourite, as it does all kinds of dishes. So it's an all-rounder kind of a place." I slipped my hands into his and pulled him inside. As I said, I haven't been here in a while and the place is still looking immaculate. This place sits on the edge of my land and is close to a few human places. So we had to be careful of what we talked about. The owners are part of my pack and so were some of the staff.

When asked what the table was booked under, Zaliver said his name and then we were shown to our table. It was in a quiet area with a few others around us, it was fine. Zaliver slides my chair out for me to sit down. So when I did he helped me push forward towards the table then took his own seat, on the other side of the table. The waiter came over and asked us for what we wanted to drink, he was a human. Zaliver just ordered some red wine for both of us. He soon came back with the wine and then asked if we would like to order. I ordered something with chicken with Zaliver ordering some steak.

We were chatting about our lives but then the topic of Abigail came up. "It's been a few weeks and nobody has told her parents about her body not being found. I was hoping that you would like to come with me and meet them?" He was telling and asking me.

"I don't know. I only met them once, that was when Abigail was made a pack member and met Devon. I could send Oliver with you to represent and also he has met them in their home."

"I was hoping that you would. But let's move on from Abigail's parents. What would you say about coming with me back to my home when I leave the day after tomorrow?" I was shocked. I couldn't leave my pack and where I have been all my life. But I have been thinking of stepping down and giving the Alpha position to Oliver for a while.

"I, eh, Zaliver...."

Female Alpha LucindaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang