Note To Run Away

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Lucinda POV

Oliver appeared quicker than light to the office when I shouted at him through the mind link. He looked very worried as he thought I would attack him, it may be a possibility. "What the hell is this, hmm, do you think it's a joke you're playing? Damm Oliver, I've been in a good mood all week!"

"It's no joke, believe me. I wouldn't do that plus how would I know if there was someone else working with rogues?" This slightly makes me less angry. He goes on to say, "This note is from him that Abigail was given on the day he was beheaded. She was scared to give it to you because you might accuse her of helping him."

I shook my head, my mood changed again to less anger but it's all different moods.

"Just go and get her. I need her to explain it to us and also go get Jupiter. He can start to prove himself and have a fresh pair of eyes. River would be busy with training and I would not like to use mind link right now." He nodded and left.

I sat there and read the note again. The note says:

I do not care if I don't make it as I am not alone. Lucinda will fall to rouges and her inner friends will not always be there. My partner will continue to work with rogues and continue the plan we set way back, to make the pack fall. Rouges will rise up in numbers and will come back to what they started all those years ago.

Beta Devon 

After reading it again, I start to make notes of who may be the partner of Devon and the rogues. Even on death's door, he still considers himself as being Beta to a pack who hates him. How sweet. My door opened and Jupiter walked in. "Jupiter, in future knock before coming in. It's basic pack rules."

"Sorry, I just thought. Never mind, Oliver said to see you. Something about a note?"

"Take a seat, while we wait for Ollie. Read the note and think of what it means." He nodded, I handed him the note and he read it. And I do some pack work while we wait.

The knock at the door stopped me and Oliver walked in with a serious face on. Abigail wasn't with him. "I couldn't find her. I asked around and nobody has seen her since I talked to her this morning. I tried to mind linking her but nothing."

"Dam, go tell River to send trackers to find her. I'll send a message to keep an eye out. Also, tell River to send more warriors to the borders. Nobody's leaves or enters without my permission and only mine. If I find out anyone else has not followed then they spend the night in the cells. Now go."

I send him off and I send my message to look out for Abigail and if seen to send her to me right away. I was in my thoughts of where and why she had gone but was pulled out when the voice of the person in my office spoke. "Lucinda, do you think she was working with the rouges?"

I look at him with a frown. "No, when we told her about it. She denied any links with them and she was telling the truth because we Alphas can tell if someone is lying."

He put on his thinking face. "It could have been an act. To throw us off her track. She is pregnant right and with this, there is a risk of death. Maybe you asked her to be close by to see if you can stop it?"

"Yeah I did, you are smart. Why would," Then it clicked to what he was getting at, "Oh my goddess, Jupiter, you smart thing. If she is the partner with them and with me watching her pregnancy she wouldn't get messages to them."

"So when she gave Oliver the note, she made a runner before we can work it out." He widened his own eyes like he won the lottery to the conclusion that we both came up with.

But a thought drew on me "However no warriors have said anything about her leaving. But why?" He had the answer to that.

"She was the former Beta mate, she knows the land well. So slipped out of sight and without the knowledge she had done so. So maybe we need to stretch the search outside the pack."

I jumped out of my chair and gave him a big hug. "Jupiter I could kiss you but I won't. You were definitely going to be Gamma. Come on, the pack needs to know."

With that, we both led the office and headed to the pack stage. On the way, we found Oliver and told him to get the pack together for an emergency meeting. River joined us at the foot of the stage.

Those who were available for the meeting were waiting. I stood in the middle with the microphone, Oliver to my right and River and Jupiter to my left. "Good afternoon, as you know Abigail was to be found in the pack after giving your Beta a note that had information on it. This information is that there is another wolf who is linked to the rogues that would be linked to attack this pack. After talking Jupiter, who will be taking the position of Gamma, we both come to the conclusion that she may be the partner or she knows who is. I ask if anyone knows where she may go to hide. Must tell either one of us this information or even she gets in contact with anyone here and if anyone needs to leave the pack must still come me only. If anyone wasn't present here that should have been, please spread the word that Abigail is being hunted. I will spread the word to other packs. Also, there will be another time to give Jupiter gamma power. Now everyone is dismissed."

With that everyone left the area and went back to what they were doing before. We stood on stage for a bit longer. "Now, River make sure patrols are doubled and more frequent runs around the pack. Do what you will in training but make sure not to overdo them. Oliver, you make a start with talking to other packs and doing normal duties with Jupiter. So he can learn what you do and find out what's going on. I will let the King know of the situation myself. Is everyone clear of their tasks?"

"Yes, Alpha." The three replied and headed off. I followed not long after to pick a quick snack from the kitchen. Grace gave a worried look but I walked out to my office.

Sitting at the desk, I wrote down everything that has happened. Then pick up the phone, to call the big boss.

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