The Beginning

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I always thought that the hardest part about life was saying goodbye, but maybe saying hello is worse

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I always thought that the hardest part about life was saying goodbye, but maybe saying hello is worse.

Sofia's POV

"hey heads up!" I looked up from my book to see a soccer ball headed right towards my face. I dropped my book, throwing my hands up to cover my face. But it was to late, the ball made a loud smacking noise as it hit my face.

I yelped in pain, a large stinging feeling starting to grow on my left cheek. I rubbed my cheek and opened my eyes to see who had kicked the ball. A group of boys from my school gave me a apologetic look, while yelling a sorry.

I was about to answer them, when I heard snickering from beside me. I looked to the left of where I was sitting to see a group of very attractive guys laughing at me. They were all wearing black.

I looked away blushing, I quickly picked up my book. Standing up I started to walk away. Jerks.

As I was walking away, I bumped into a huge wall. Great. I fell to the ground with a hard thud. I groaned, looking up I saw that it was not a wall that I bumped into.

There was a very large angry looking man, he looked like he was in his twenties. He was scary, his hair was greased back, and he smelled like alcohol and cigarette smoke.

He brought his arms out and grabbed me by the collar of my sweater. He brought my face close to his,walking backwards he threw me against a tree. I yelped in pain as the back of my head smashed into the hard tree.

"Watch where your going, bitch!" He spat. I closed my eyes and turned my head away, as tears started to run down my cheeks.

To scared to talk, I just prayed that he would leave me alone. He used a lot of his strength and threw me back on the ground. Just as I was about to hit the ground, I felt a pair of large warm arms catch me.

I slowly opened my eyes. Looking up I watched as time began to slow down, a very attractive guy, with jet black hair, and sparking green eyes held me in place. I recognized him as one of the guys who were laughing at me earlier. They all looked about my age.

He was glaring at the man who hurt me. His jaw was clenched, making his sharp features more defined. "What are you doing!? I was just teaching this bitch a lesson!" The scary man screamed.

I looked back over to the large man, he was giving me a death glare. My heart started to race faster. I tried to back away from him, I only pushed my self further into the guy who was holding me.

I felt his hold tighten around me, as he pulled me closer into him. "Get out of here Mark, before I beat the shit out of you!" They guy who was holding me yelled.

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