The Pain

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         "Ms.Rivers, would you like to join the rest of the class on the discussion we are taking about?" I broke out of my thoughts by the sound of my English teacher Mrs.Waters talking to me. My face heated up as all of the people in my class stared at me, some snickering.

"S-sorry Mrs.Waters" I stutter, playing with the sleeve of my shirt. She only gave me a long look, before returning to her lecture speaking. I tried to stay focused, but I couldn't. Yesterday's events with Sam keep on replaying in my mind, just trying to fully understand what happened.

I spent the rest of the day yesterday locked in my room, crying my eyes out. I barely even wanted to get up and go today, but my mother sent me a text saying that, if she received another message saying i missed school, i would be in deep trouble. Wow it almost sounded like she cared there.

I have not talked to Jace yet, after everything that happened on Monday, but i really wanted to, so we could clear things up. I don't know what i would do if i lost Jace. The loud school bell went off, once again breaking me out of my thoughts. I quickly packed up my things, and ran to my locker, i was going to find Jace.

As i was nearing my locker, I noticed that Jace was already leaning up against, looking down at his shoes. A smile spreed across my face, I began running again. Not stopping till i had my arms wrapped around Jaces waist, pulling him into a tight hug.

I could feel him tense at first, but within seconds he wrapped his arms around me as well, pulling me in incredibly tightly. "I'm sorry Jacy" i muttered into his chest. He pulled me out to arms length, holding onto my shoulders.

"Sofe, its okay. And I'm sorry to, i should have protected you more from that asshole, hell i should have beaten him up for what he said to you!" He yelled tightening his hold on my shoulders.

I looked down at the floor "look, I don't want to talk about him, lets just go to lunch and forget about it" i say walking in the direction of the cafeteria. Jace sighs and nods a yes. As we are walking closer to the cafeteria, i can hear loud shouting and cheering. I look over at Jace, it looks equally as confused.

Opening up the doors to the cafeteria, i see everyone gathered in a big circle. I knot my eyebrows together, and slowly walk closer. From the sound of loud smacks and grunting, it definitely sounds like a fight. I roughly push pass people, trying to get a better look. Finally making it through the crowd of people, i gasp at what i see.

Sam is on top of some guy, holding him by the collar and repeatedly punching him. The guy already looks like he's knocked out, his body is limp, and he's barely making any noise. Blood is splattered all over the guys face, and all over Sams fists, but yet he wont stop.

I look around the crowd, looking for Charlie. But Charlie, and all of Sams friends were no where's to be found. I started to bite my finger nail nervously, i know Charlie told me not to go in there, because Sam doesn't think before throwing fists, but Charlie was not here to stop the fight, and I'm sure no one else had the balls to. But if Sam did not stop, he could kill this guy.

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