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Love is a promise Love is a souvenirOnce given, never forgottenNever let it disappear

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Love is a promise
Love is a souvenir
Once given, never forgotten
Never let it disappear

Sofia's POV

             I wake to a small shift. The warm arms once wrapped tightly around me, let go. Leaving me colder and alone. I groan, tightening the blankets around me, as my source of heat left. I feel the silk blanket run over my bare arms, as I flop around snuggling into the unbelievably comfy pillow, sending me back into a deep sleep.

A loud noise, wakes me up again. My eyes flutter open as Luke's loud voice rings around Sams room "Sam! Can I use your toothpaste I'm all out!" He yells banging on Sams bathroom door. "Luke what did you with my hair gel!" I hear Charlie's voice as well.

I groan knowing that it's hopeless to try and go back to sleep. The boys footsteps saunter around the room, making it clear to me that now both Luke, and Charlie are in Sams bedroom. I hear Sams bathroom door swing open "would you two idiots shut up, she's still sleeping" Sam whisper yells.

The room goes completely silent. I roll my eyes turning back over and sitting up straight "I should be getting up now anyways" I mumble pulling the blankets off from around me. All three boys just stand completely still, giving me a weird look.

As I look over all of them, I notice how none of them are wearing shirts, Sam catching my eye particularly. I quickly look down at the floor, my cheeks starting to burn in embarrassment. "Hey I'm just going to go downstairs" I mutter never looking up from the ground as I head out the door.
I can hear the boys muttering about as I walk down the hallway.

The delightful smell of cinnamon and berry's fills my nose, just as I walk into the kitchen. Lisa's whisking some eggs in a bowl, she's dressed in more formal clothes. Her top is a long sleeve shirt that hugs her perfectly, while her pants are dark blue mom jeans.

                                            She looks up at me as I take a seat in one of the bar stools. A huge smile stretches across her face "Hey sofe, how did you sleep last night?"

Then and there the realization sinks into me, that I slept in the same bed as Sam, better yet I fell asleep in arms while he held me like I was the most precious thing in the world. It was amazing, for how tight he was holding me, his touch was incredibly gentle. And every time I would shift or wake up in anyway, he some how found the perfect way to make me feel comfortable and safe.

I was completely shocked that I even got any sleep, knowing everything that happened I thought I wouldn't get a wink of sleep, or that my nightmares would be brutal. Sam just made all of that go away. Of course I am still petrified of everything that's happening, and the person who is targeting me, but Sam just finds a way to calm my nerves.

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