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Hello! My name is Rachel Violetta; I am currently a 10th Grader studying in Sekolah Victory Plus. I decided to create this book for my personal project because I am interested in correcting misconceptions about people, expressed in erroneous statements. I actually have a personal experience, having been underestimated by my own Grandpa. He told me to choose to study science, so I can acquire more information; he says I could have more opportunities if I pursued studies in the physical sciences. Therefore, after my experience, I have decided that I wanted to prove him wrong.

This is a book that will help determine differences and similarities between Social and Physical Science Studies, in order to correct myths about both areas. This book was created to change people's perspective on physical science and Social Science Studies. This topic brought up conflicts and discussions, and in fact, a lot of articles are talking about the subject. Social Studies and Science Studies are two different areas, with a different purpose, context, and subjects in classes. They have different general knowledge. This book is not intended to arouse conflicts in any shape or form. This is just the result of my experience of being informed of the difference between scientific studies and Social Studies for the public.

This book is not supposed to be a biased book toward one of the studies referred to, and my intent in making this book is to disprove the opinions of people who state that "IPA is better than IPS" or the other way around. I will not make any controversial statements regarding both respected areas, because I believe that both areas have their own specifications and different ways of learning and understanding. Other than that, I would like to state that this book has the goal of helping and guiding confused and lost students in determining their future studies. I think that by creating this book I can help students in choosing their studies and in selecting what's best for them. 

A Highschool Guidebook: Social studies and Science studiesWhere stories live. Discover now