How to choose wisely?

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How to do it?

There is no correct answer to this question, honestly. It's just up to us. But if you know the correct study for you to select then that is the answer. There are a lot of different answers to this question. Either ask your parents, friends, teacher or counselor for help or take tests in Science Studies or Social Studies. Maybe you can read this book, and it will guide you.

There are in fact a lot of different ways to wisely choose your stream. I can't say which the best ones or the most accurate tests or sources to choose from since I have no license to tell you which or to give you the "best" test in this book. I can give you recommendations concerning which tests to take, and which ones are the most accurate, based on people's opinions.

To pick your stream wisely, you have to be wise. You cannot rely on what others tell you to pick or rely on advice from your friends or your parents. However, do not become a rebel, refusing to listen to your parents: even though you have to, you can always convince them afterward about your choice of studies.

You have to be wise and stick to what you believe in. Stick to what you want and what you like and not what other people choose. Don't necessarily follow the guidance of your friends; if none of them are in the same class as you or the same field of studies as you, think of the positive side, imagine that this year will be the one when I communicate and socialize with other people. Find friends.

The main key to choosing the "perfect" course of studies is to just think about yourself first, and not think of other people or their advice, since it is your studies and it's your own interest.  

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