chapter two

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C H A P T E R   T W O
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Kate set the cake in the fridge like she'd said she would, whilst I tried to regain control of my erratic heart rate.

I'd seen good looking people, sure, and even had a few close encounters with a few, too, but it wasn't just that man's disastrously good looks that had my legs struggling to hold my body weight and have to support myself with the counter. No, he had this energy, this way about him. Like he could tear the whole room down if he wished it, but just chose not to. And god, was it hot.

"I don't know how you do it," I said to the blonde haired beauty as she set her jacket aside, and I did the same. She raised a brow. "Keep so calm and composed, I mean."

"It's all an act, dear Amara," she grinned, slinging her arm over my shoulder as we trailed up the stairs again. "My uterus was about ready to drop right out."

I laughed lightly. "Maybe it would have warranted a reaction out of him."

"What, you mean make any indication that he was actually human?"


We followed the sound of laughing and cheering to the right, until we could see the party in full swing. Everything was set out so perfectly, clearly a lot of money, time, and effort had gone into it. In all my twenty four years of living, not once had myself or someone else put so much into a birthday of mine.

"And she'll probably have another party, as well," Kate muttered beside me as we walked down yet another set of stone stairs until we were on the level of the party. "That's what uber rich people tend to do. She'll have a big one now and another one for family."

"Christ," I muttered.

"Come on," Kate chided. "Might as well make the most of it. I'm starved. Let's eat."

I rolled my eyes, but followed after her. She halted at one of the stalls put out, but decided against candy floss and went on her way. We passed every designer name you could think of in just a matter of feet, by the time we reached the donut counter.

"Fûcking hell," Kate muttered, gazing in awe at the choices. "I'm going to cum."

I smiled apologetically at the woman passing. She threw Kate and I a look of mortification as she hoisted the little girl, holding her hand, away. 'Crude girls,' I heard her mutter.

Kate didn't notice the remark and if she had, I doubted she would have paid it much mind. I watched the woman go, a little wary that she may just go to Kate's employer and complain. I lost her, however, when someone far more interesting caught my eye.

The man from before was stood to the side, suit crisp and mouth-wateringly superior to those around it. He was in conversation with a woman, who seemed about ready to jump his bones. Don't blame you, hun. She was leant towards him, maintaining eye contact the entire time she shoved her cleavage towards him.

He nodded to whatever she said, putting his glass to his lips and looking away. Now that I realised the dynamic— her completely intent on getting him into bed, whilst he looked like he'd rather anything else— I felt a shred of pity for the woman. But then, that's not to say that he wouldn't take her up on her offer, had they not been at his four year old niece's birthday party.

He seemed far from interested in whatever the platinum blonde beside him was saying as he glanced as his watch for the second time in two minutes.

His eyes dragged across the garden, not staying too long on one place each time. Closer and closer he came to looking directly at me, but I just couldn't bring myself to look away, to wrench my eyes from his sultry form.

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